Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.
Less than five per cent of lithium-ion batteries sold in Australia are currently recovered and recycled. The rest end up in landfill. That's prompting the question — what will happen when the volume of battery waste grows as more electric vehicles (EVs) start driving on our Read More...
When it comes to offshore wind energy, the UK is by far Europe’s leading country. In total, Britain installed 53 percent of the net capacity of all new offshore wind farms installed across Europe in 2017, beating the previous record from 2015. Not only is the UK installing more wind farms, but Read More...
New York is getting serious about offshore wind. Governor Andrew Cuomo unveiled a plan earlier this month to develop $6 billion of offshore wind projects off the southern coast of Long Island by 2028 and predicted that the industry would bring 5,000 jobs to the state. The plan calls for developing Read More...
Looks like Tesla isn’t done bolstering Australia’s power grid just yet. After installing a giant battery in South Australia, the company announced it will provide solar panels and Tesla Powerwall batteries to “at least” 50,000 homes in a bid to create the largest-ever “virtual power Read More...
Chile currently gets between 35 and 40 percent of its electricity from coal. That’s why environmentalists were thrilled when Chile’s government announced it is phasing out coal. Initially, this announcement means ending the development of new coal plants, but the country’s big energy players Read More...
More than four months after Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico, 15-year-old Salvador Gomez Colon is shocked by the poor living conditions that persist in many of the towns throughout the island. Just days after Maria slammed Puerto Rico, the ninth grader launched a crowdfunding campaign on Read More...
The government of Dubai has announced plans to build the world’s largest waste-to-energy plant in the world. When it’s up and running, the plant is expected to treat up to two million tons of solid waste every year, which is about 60 percent of Dubai’s annual garbage production.That will give Read More...
Whole Foods Market has been using thermal batteries at five stores in California and Hawaii to reduce its electricity bills and cut greenhouse gas emissions. Now, the grocer is taking a closer look at how these alternative battery storage systems can cut costs and keep food cool in the event of a Read More...
Americans are using less energy -- paradoxically, by spending more time indoors, according to a new study in the journal Joule. But researchers point out that keeping more lights on was offset by lifestyle changes that kept people inside instead of roaming around offices and retail stores -- like, Read More...
Solar energy isn't just a tool to reduce emissions and help slow climate change – it's a job creator. According to the most recent National Solar Jobs Census published by The Solar Foundation, the industry creates more jobs than any other sector in the US. In 2010, there were only 93,000 jobs Read More...