Today’s Solutions: January 17, 2025


Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.

Could trains be powered by sol

Could trains be powered by solar energy in ten years’ time?

We’ve come a long way since the steam train was the main mode of transportation. A technique has been devised that allows electricity to flow directly from solar panels to electrified train tracks to the trains themselves, making the idea of solar powered trains more feasible than Read More...

India plans world’s largest

India plans world’s largest solar-wind hybrid power project

The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy in India plans to add yet another record-breaking project in its portfolio and it has chosen the district of Anantapur in the state of Andhra Read More...

Dead coal mines everywhere are

Dead coal mines everywhere are being reincarnated as solar farms

The world is quickly abandoning coal, the dirtiest of fossil fuels. But that’s not the end of the road for coal mines—in many countries they’re coming back to life as solar Read More...

Batteries can’t solve al

Batteries can't solve all our energy-storage problems. Here's the solution

Sometimes, there can be too much of a good thing. Every so often, from California to Germany, there’s news of “negative electricity prices,” a peculiar side effect of global efforts to generate clean Read More...

A new project will supply Chil

A new project will supply Chile with solar power, even at night

A new solar power plant in Chile will supply electricity to the country’s power grid even when the sun doesn’t Read More...

As electricity demand continue

As electricity demand continues to drop, utilities are being forced to adapt

Despite population growth, electricity consumption in the US has been on the decline since 2007. There are a number of reasons for the decline, including more efficient heating and air condition systems, the switch to more efficient lights such as LEDs, and the offshoring of power-intensive Read More...

Covering 1.2% of the Sahara wi

Covering 1.2% of the Sahara with solar panels would supply the world’s yearly energy needs

In just six hours, the world’s deserts receive more solar energy than the entire human race consumes in a year. By covering just 1.2 percent of the Sahara desert in solar panels, the energy needs of the world could be met. Knowing that, wouldn’t it make sense to blanket part of the Sahara with Read More...

Life after nuclear: First sola

Life after nuclear: First solar project of Chernobyl to be finished next month

In July of last year, Ukraine announced a plan to build solar farms in the 1,000-mile swath of land encircling the site of the nuclear 1986 meltdown. Now those plans are coming to fruition as the first solar project is expected to be commissioned in Chernobyl next month. This solar project will be Read More...

Google now powers all operatio

Google now powers all operations with nothing but 100 percent renewable energy

Just one year after setting a goal to fulfill all its energy needs from renewables, Google has announced that it has already fulfilled that goal. The tech-giant recently signed contracts for three wind power plants, which put their total energy infrastructure investment at over $3.5 billion. Google Read More...

Clean energy could save women

Clean energy could save women hours of time each day in rural India

In rural India, women spend more than a quarter of their waking hours on cooking-related tasks. Much of this time is not actually spent on the cooking process itself, however, but on gathering free biomass fuels such as firewood, dung cakes, and agricultural waste. By utilizing clean energy Read More...