Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.
Oil companies have been exploiting oil platforms in seas and oceans for decades. Now, with the clean and renewable energy revolution gathering steam, they have an unique opportunity to use these rigs to install windmills. It may be a move that won’t exactly support their main business—selling Read More...
Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud, at 31 years old, is the driving force behind the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s radical economic experiment. If his plans succeed, he’ll also be the world’s largest impact investor. And like any impact investor, the deputy crown Read More...
Google has updated its Project Sunroof to include 3-D models of every rooftop in all 50 states. The new software takes into consideration the trees on your property, how much sun or shade hits your rooftop, and figures in the prevailing weather in your area. Then it takes all that data and builds a Read More...
Madison, Wisconsin and Abita Springs, Louisiana are transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy following respective city council votes on Tuesday. Madison and Abita Springs are the first cities in Wisconsin and Louisiana to make this commitment. They join 23 other cities across the United Read More...
We may not be too far away from a world where solar panels can be rolled atop your car or sprayed onto the windows of your house thanks to something called perovskites, a range of materials that can be used to harvest light. Solar researchers love perovskites because they are not only efficient but Read More...
Germany is embarking on an innovative project to turn a hard coal mine into a giant battery that can store surplus solar and wind energy and release it when supplies are lean. The Prosper-Haniel coal mine in the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia will be converted into a 200 megawatt Read More...
Many companies like Alcen Renewables, Inc. are firm believers that, when energy is accessible to everyone, it will solve many of the world’s problems, including daily issues that people in third world countries confront. As a result, energy storage through renewable energy batteries has the Read More...
The best news is the fight against global warming increasingly will be a business opportunity rather than a political responsibility. When companies see the opportunity, it doesn’t matter so much anymore what politicians do or think. We are getting at that point with renewable energy prices Read More...
Most exciting clean energy news comes from wind and solar. But these renewables have their challenges: The sun doesn’t always shine etc. Carbon neutral biofuels—like ethanol from corn—don’t have these problems but they take up valuable agricultural land space that could be used for growing Read More...
Google has long stated its ambitions to run its global operations solely on renewable energy, and now it wants to lead by example. The company has updated its interactive Sunroof map that helps people estimate whether it makes sense to install a solar panel on their roof. In a new blog Read More...