Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.
Daniel Nocera, the rock-star of artificial photosynthesis, and his colleagues at Harvard published a paper in June that shows a viable route to long-term energy storage. The Science article demonstrates how surplus power from solar PV can be converted into liquid fuels. The Read More...
A study commissioned by the Financial Times shows that the planet’s 20 largest national economies generated 8% of their electricity from renewable energy — solar, wind, and other green power sources — in 2015, up from 4.6% in 2010. (This does not include hydropower.) There are Read More...
A couple years ago, I began to discuss the idea that the end of the internal combustion era finally was in sight, along with the overall rapid decline of a fossil fuel-driven world. I think some folks felt it was a premature pronouncement — yet in more recent days, the prediction has begun to Read More...
The placement of offshore wind turbines isn’t done all willy-nilly, but rather with data that determines exactly where each wind turbine should be placed. In one instance, a project to install hundreds of wind turbines that had been deemed unfeasible was rescued by Vestas wind company company and Read More...
MIT researchers have developed a simple procedure for making a promising type of solar cell using lead recovered from discarded lead-acid car batteries — a practice that could benefit both the environment and human health. As new lead-free car batteries come into use, old batteries would be Read More...
The blockchain is coming to Australia’s electricity grid. On 25 August, a group of neighbours will test a system to trade excess energy from solar panels between themselves using a blockchain to record the transactions. Run by local start-up PowerLedger, the trial at a retirement village in the Read More...
Medium- to heavy-duty trucks make up only four percent of road traffic in the U.S, but they gulp 22 percent of oil transport demand. That’s why the Obama administration has implemented a new rule that will require U.S trucks to produce ten percent less carbon dioxide and consume ten percent less Read More...
Not all homes are fit for solar panels, but that isn’t stopping communities from producing their own solar energy. More and more consumers are buying into community solar farms that allow renters and apartment dwellers to access renewable energy from small plots, modestly referred to as “solar Read More...
The world is in a bit of a flux at the moment. The Paris agreement has yet to be ratified, the U.S election is up in the air and the consequences of Brexit have yet to be determined. And yet despite this degree of uncertainty, there has never been a better time to invest in climate action. Interest Read More...
Renewable energy is something that most people can agree is a great idea, but like learning a second language, getting in shape, or donating time to a favorite charity, quickly becomes something that’s pushed off into the indefinite future. The cost, commitment, and political willpower to Read More...