Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.
The SolarMill, a 1.2-kW combination wind and solar energy system, will be sold for about $3,000. WindStream Technologies meant for the technology to be deployed primarily in disadvantaged regions of the world with poor energy access. But the company was prompted by U.S. residents’ interest in the Read More...
For all its efforts with rooftop solar deployment, California has yet to show that decentralized renewable energy is not just a luxury that only the middle-class and high-income residents can afford. A new program run by nonprofit Grid Alternatives aims to install solar systems in disadvantaged Read More...
More than a third of Pakistan’s population does not have access to electricity, and power shortages hinder economic growth. That situation may be about to improve as a 100-megawatt solar farm built by a Chinese company in the Punjab province just came online. Its capacity is expected to exceed Read More...
The price of solar panels keeps tumbling but manufacturers are finding a sweet spot after three challenging years: volume is finally making up for the price drop as demand surges. The solar panel market is expected to grow by 30 percent this year, according to Bloomberg, driven by growing Read More...
Spain has long been a wind-energy pioneer. It should only be fitting that the latest, hottest wind innovation comes from the South European nation. Spanish startup Vortex Bladeless has developed a technology to harvest energy from wind without using blades—as it names suggests. Because it has no Read More...
Governor Jerry Brown made headlines last January when he announced an ambitious plan to source 50 percent of energy from renewables by 2030. A new analysis by Strategen Consulting now confirms that the plan is not only achievable, but also “economically sound (and) environmentally beneficial.” Read More...
Emerging economies have been hindered by the lack of reliable, safe and affordable energy. It turns out that renewable power fits the bill better than fossil fuels, with its adoption growing twice as fast in those countries than in industrialized nations, according to a recent report from Bloomberg Read More...
Lester Brown is a legendary figure in the US environmental movement. Founder of Worldwatch Institute and of the Earth Policy Institute, he has made his mark as an influential thinker on issues of sustainability, including food, population and energy. His new book details the accelerating pace of Read More...
If a six-month experiment in the Netherlands is any indication, roads paved with solar panels can provide a solid alternative for renewable energy generation. So far, results have exceeded expectations. In this context, it is encouraging to know that similar projects are brewing in the United Read More...
Community Choice Aggregation programs are bringing competition into power generation by letting cities and counties decide where their energy comes from. California's local authorities are leading the way, supporting governor Jerry Brown’s new ambitious climate goals to have the state produce 50 Read More...