Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.
We know we have to move from our dependence on fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. And despite the well-funded fossil fuel lobby, we also know that it can be done now, with existing technology and within current government budgets. Arbtech is a UK agency that provides ecological surveys. They Read More...
Last week Google announced another large—$300 million to be exact—investment in SolarCity. Now Google also wants to pay for you to switch to solar. The first step is for you to own a house. Then you contact SolarCity and they work out a custom solar arrangement for your roof—Google pays for Read More...
The most iconic landmark in France has been retrofitted with two sizable wind turbines that will be used to power the first floor of the Eiffel Tower, where commercial areas operate. The two turbines are located about 400 feet up the tower and generate about 10,000 kWh annually. The turbines are Read More...
Biofuels, much like solar in the 90s, has to overcome the high cost of production, and increase its efficiency so that it is more viable for commercial use. Researchers from California have now created a new pre-treatment method that greatly reduces the cost of production. Biofuel is created when Read More...
Innovations in renewable technologies are made regularly but many are proof-of-concept models, and aren’t commercially viable or scalable. A new type of race is being planned to push many of these new technologies through the prototype phase and into the hands and homes of consumers around the Read More...
Oil prices have hit rock bottom, and will continue to stay inexpensive for the foreseeable future. While many are crying foul that the fall in oil prices is the start of a doomsday clock for renewables, rest assured it isn’t. Though oil prices are tumbling, electricity prices are climbing, so Read More...
As of the first of this year Austria is completely nuclear free. The country has no nuclear power plants and won’t source power into the country that was created at a nuclear power station. The Austrian government requires a proof of source for all energy sent into the country to guarantee it was Read More...
In Bangladesh, much like in India, houses connected to the national power grid face rolling, regular blackouts. That’s why solar power is such an appealing technology to those in developing nations—creating your own energy source eliminates national grid driven blackouts. Now the Bangladeshi Read More...
The Danish island of Samso had an energy crisis, their remote location made them pay top dollar for energy created by dirty fossil fuels. But what was once a barrier to success—their isolated island home—is proving to be very lucrative thanks to renewable energy sources in the form of ocean Read More...
Cities around the world are exploding in population. They’re also the largest consumers of energy and their thirst is expected to triple in the next 35 years. While some see this as an environmental death sentence, a recent study that examined growing cities, and future energy sources had a Read More...