Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025


Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.

This offshore floating solar p

This offshore floating solar platform can withstand hurricane winds

As the threat of climate change intensifies, countries are beginning to take a serious look at the logistics of stepping away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources. Building offshore renewable energy infrastructure is a key aspect of this transition, and engineers are now working Read More...

Heineken is turning wasted bee

Heineken is turning wasted beer into sustainable energy

When the pandemic forced us into lockdown, many of our favorite watering pubs, bars, and restaurants had to throw out millions of dollars of stock. In the UK, the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) estimates that about 87 million pints of beer have been tossed as a result. Fortunately, the Read More...

Scientists use human hair from

Scientists use human hair from barbershop to improve solar cell efficiency

In recent years, perovskite solar cells have emerged as a promising technology in the field of renewable energy, showing potential to outperform the monocrystalline silicon solar cells widely used today. One of the main challenges that have so far restricted them from large-scale adoption is that Read More...

Solar panels and California

Solar panels and California's water canals: A match made in heaven

About 4,000 miles of canals transport water to some 35 million people and 5.7 million acres of farmland across California. As the state enters another year of severe drought, researchers from the University of California have come up with a proposition to cover these canals with solar panels to Read More...

Solar Mountain installation co

Solar Mountain installation could power Burning Man with clean energy

Burning Man is an annual music and arts event that attracts a lot of creative, expressive, and entrepreneurial individuals. However, because of its expansive desert setting, visitors tend to use a lot of motorized fossil-fuel vehicles to navigate their way around, while several displays require the Read More...

2020 Coal consumption was lowe

2020 Coal consumption was lowest in US since 1965

2020 marked an important milestone in our transition away from coal as a means of producing electricity. In the US, coal power plants experienced the country’s lowest annual coal consumption since 1965, and the fossil fuel is expected to reach levels last seen in the 19th century in coming years, Read More...

Perspectives: Unpacking the hy

Perspectives: Unpacking the hydrogen color codes

You may have heard the terms brown hydrogen, grey hydrogen, blue hydrogen, and green hydrogen when referring to this energy source. Who knew hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe (76 percent of all molecules in the universe are hydrogen), came in so many colors! Actually, it Read More...

POWERPASTE could make hydrogen

POWERPASTE could make hydrogen fuel technologies safer and more efficient

While hydrogen fuel cells have a huge potential to shift our transportation industry towards a cleaner future, one of the main reasons why the technology hasn’t yet reached scale is because hydrogen is incredibly volatile and challenging to store and transport. In a bid to overcome this Read More...

Wind turbines on a vertical ax

Wind turbines on a vertical axis can boost efficiency of wind farms

According to the latest Global Wind Report, the world needs to triple its wind energy production over the coming decade in order to reach critical net-zero targets. While that’s a very ambitious goal, a new study demonstrates that by redesigning conventional wind turbines, we could boost their Read More...

This yacht will fuel itself wi

This yacht will fuel itself with the trash it sucks up from our oceans

Professional yacht racer Yves Bourgnon was irritated at the sight of floating plastic trash in seawater and decided to turn that anger into the inspiration he needed to create the concept for the Manta, a water-cleaning sailboat that is powered by the litter it picks up. The Manta will be an Read More...