Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.
Buses are already a greener way to get around than personal vehicles, but this method of public transportation is preparing for another eco-friendly upgrade in the form of electric power. Growth in the electric bus sector has been huge in China where rates of electric buses increased 78.4 percent Read More...
Do coal miners really love mining coal—and therefore, advocate to keep coal mines open? Or is it that they need the income that coal mining gives them to support themselves and their families? For most miners, the latter is the truth, but as more coal mines across the country shut down despite a Read More...
One of the tricky conundrums with renewable energy is that the materials used to make the devices and batteries that produce clean energy are made out of unsustainable sources. That’s the main reason why researchers have been working on greener aluminum batteries that could one day replace ones Read More...
If you live in an urban area or college town, you’ve likely seen fleets of electric scooters popping up on your sidewalks. These fun and convenient scooters have a carbon footprint of less than half the size of cars, but one company is working to make this footprint into a toeprint. The most Read More...
Since the start of the trade war between the US and China, there have been many people affected by the dispute, but small farmers have been bearing the brunt of it. The tit-for-tat tariffs applied by both countries to each other’s goods have cut demand for American crops, putting many small Read More...
Although we have the ability to produce massive amounts of clean energy today, the problem is that we can’t store all of that power, which means it’s not always reliable. And while lithium-ion batteries have started to meet some of the need for storage, the metals needed to make them are not Read More...
As the world marches to ensure a safe and healthy climate for our planet, going green is increasingly becoming a prerequisite for companies to survive in the near future’s business environment. The latest evidence upholding this phenomenon comes from an announcement made by Google last week, Read More...
As the internet of things gains momentum, it is expected that we will need to have millions of products online, both in public spaces and in homes. As a result, the global demand for energy will also rise, precipitating a need for smaller and cheaper sources of renewable power. This is where a Read More...
Protests alone don't create solutions. Protests with highly organized, coordinated efforts, with effective demands and a message clearly delivered can be the start of something good. That's exactly what happened at Frankfurt's International Motor Show (IAA). In a coordinated effort to demand an Read More...
Today you can find lithium-ion batteries in smartphones, tablets, laptops, electric cars, and nearly all the electronics around you. But while ubiquitous, the lithium battery is facing several challenges. There's the limited physical nature of lithium's output but also the environmental havoc its Read More...