Today’s Solutions: January 18, 2025


Understanding the value of a circular economy and identifying circular solutions are essential to changing our world for good. Circularity, or the zero-waste principle of keeping materials in a closed loop and away from landfills and incinerators, is the future. Find out about the latest innovations and solutions accelerating the transition towards a circular economy in the articles here from The Optimist Daily.

Modern glass electric kettle boiling on kitchen table.

10 eco-friendly kitchen appliances to make your home greener

A healthy kitchen goes beyond just eating green. On top of an eco-friendly diet, having planet-friendly appliances in the heart of your home can go a long way in making your household more sustainable. Although repairing existing items is a great first choice, if you do have an appliance in need of Read More...

Pocket Gophers

Pocket gophers: the only other mammal that farms

Farming has been an integral part of the long story of the development of human society. Some mark the beginning of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent in 8500 BC as the start of human civilization. It’s with this in mind that we think of farming as an entirely human job, but that’s not true. Read More...

Waterways protein

Eating less meat could help oceans and waterways by reducing nitrogen

It’s difficult for us to consider the long-term, downriver consequences of the simplest of our actions. It isn’t because we’re indifferent; it’s because there are several complicated results to everything we do. Take eating too much meat. When our bodies have more protein than they need, Read More...

Farmer planting young seedlings of lettuce salad in the vegetable garden

7 money-saving tips for new gardeners

It’s finally happened—after reading countless articles about the benefits (for both yourself and the planet) of growing your own food and spending time in nature, you’ve decided to give gardening a go. But you’ve heard from others that creating a new garden can be quite costly, and you’d Read More...


UK scientists plan to use contraceptives to curb invasive gray squirrels

In the late 19th century, gray squirrels were introduced to the United Kingdom from the United States. Since then, the gray squirrel population has exploded in the UK to the detriment of the county’s woodlands. These squirrels strip the bark of trees to get at the sap beneath, and British forests Read More...

Vinegar and Baking soda

3 sustainable cleaning products you can make yourself

Even when you buy eco-friendly products, they can still come in a plastic container you can’t use again. If you can’t refill your cleaning products or get them in sustainable packaging, no worries. You can make cleaning products all on your own, saving money and helping the environment, while Read More...

Young man enjoys big and tasty breakfast at downtown cafe, prepares delicious sandwich or toast with avocado spread and smoked salmon on top.

The time has almost come for vegan lab-grown salmon filets to hit the market

Over the past few years, there’s been a lot of buzz around meat alternatives—lab-grown meat alternatives that are— that will help those who don’t want to sacrifice the taste and “mouth feel” of real animal products ease into a more sustainable, eco-friendly, and a plant-based Read More...

The five ring symbol of the Olympic Games at tokyo museum and new stadium in background. Japan will host the Tokyo 2020 summer olympics and Paralympic.

CO2 emissions significantly reduced at the last Olympic Games

The Pandemic turned everyone’s world upside down, causing us all to adapt to new ways of life and society to find a new “normal.” While this experience came with its negatives, it also created an opportunity for numerous lessons to be learned and possibilities for change, especially when it Read More...

Laptop keyboard with plant growing on it. Green IT computing concept.

What you need to do to make your office more sustainable

Chances are it takes quite a lot of resources to keep your office running. Think about it. The office needs lighting and heat, the printer requires ink and paper, and may use disposable cups and other single-use plastics that can easily be thrown away instead of cleaning. With just a few changes, Read More...

Creeping thyme on lawn

Six eco-friendly, edible ground cover alternatives to the grassy lawn

Given the environmentally intensive practices it takes to maintain, it’s high time the traditional lawn makes way for more sustainable alternatives, demands fewer resources, and can even make a great addition to your culinary ingredients. Replacing only part of your lawn with edible ground Read More...