Nature relies on a rich diversity of organisms to keep it in balance. Conservation plays a key role in ensuring that environmental equilibrium is preserved. Learn about the solutions spearheading our efforts to promote biodiversity, safeguard vital ecosystems, and protect endangered species.
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) released a new study that reveals some surprising news about the New York Harbor—it’s an unexpectedly popular feeding ground for bottlenose dolphins from spring through fall. At a glance, the New York Harbor seems anything but ideal for dolphins. Read More...
We often tend to think of stingrays as small and graceful, albeit dangerous, oceanic gliders. We marvel at them on nature shows and avoid them at the beach, but did you know they also inhabited freshwater? Did you know they can grow to weigh over 660 pounds? A 661-pound freshwater Read More...
Planet Earth is changing, transforming, and shifting faster than we can keep track of these days. Human development continues to spread, The Alps are turning from white to green, massive solar farms are being erected, and droughts are shrinking lakes and drying out rivers. All of these major Read More...
We decided to revamp a story about a wonderful solution: tree cities. At The Optimist Daily, as you’ve probably guessed, we love solutions for urban green spaces. We’ve written quite a bit about these, with their ability to offset carbon emissions, help grow food, and help animals and Read More...
On June 14, the United States House of Representatives voted 231 to 190 to pass the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. This bill dedicates more than $1.3 billion to conservation efforts. 15 percent of the funds will be designated for federally listed endangered species. Bipartisan Read More...
We previously shared a story about a family finding their pet tortoise alive and well in their attic after it had been missing for over 30 years. Now prepare for an equally endearing tortoise comeback story. Considered extinct for more than a century, a giant tortoise is actually alive in the Read More...
Bumblebees are furry and critical pollinators that are sadly vulnerable to many things such as heat and predators. Another thing that affects their populations that we can keep an eye out for in our gardens is parasites. Recent research from North Carolina State University showed that the Read More...
Bringing together diverse voices and perspectives helps tackle problems more effectively. One of the greatest problems we face today is the issue of climate change and climate justice. The chances we have to overcome these threats become stronger when we rally together, despite (or because of) our Read More...
The number of monarch butterflies across North America has long been thought to be declining. Previously, scientists have thoroughly researched the winter behavior of these insects which led to this unfortunate conclusion. Therefore, even though no studies have been carried out on monarch Read More...
Pretty privilege is not just a bias humans hold within our own species. According to a machine-learning study from the University of Montpellier, reef fish that people perceive as more beautiful are a higher priority for conservation support. In the study, 13,000 members of the public were asked Read More...