Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025


From tackling marine plastic pollution to coral reef restoration, learn about humanity’s latest efforts to protect ocean habitats and marine wildlife.

floating homes in the Netherlands

Floating communities can help us rise to the challenge of climate change

It’s no secret—climate change is already upon us, and we have no choice but to adapt to it if we want to survive. While some regions of the world combat increasingly dangerous wildfires or droughts, other places, like the Netherlands, must learn to live with worsening floods while dealing with Read More...

Here are 8 eco-friendly option

Here are 8 eco-friendly options for your New Year’s Resolutions

If you’re still struggling to figure out what to set as your resolution for the New Year, it may be worth considering a resolution that includes the wellbeing of the environment! In the past 50 years, humanity has more than doubled the consumption of natural resources, which will have (and Read More...

Single pearl in mollusk shell.

The secret symmetry of pearls revealed

Pearls are created when an irritant, such as a grain of sand or debris, gets trapped inside a mollusk. As protection, a smooth layer of mineral and protein called nacre forms around it. Humans have been fascinated by these iridescent beauties since we first discovered them thousands of years ago. Read More...

Woman recycling a plastic bottle

Maine is restructuring the modern recycling system

As much as we like to think that the material we recycle makes its way back into the market as revitalized packaging, the reality is that US recycling systems are frustratingly inefficient. According to the Columbia Climate School, only 66 percent of discarded paper and cardboard, 27 percent of Read More...

Factory with polluting emissions with ocean in the background

New technology uses seawater to remove carbon from the atmosphere

The ocean absorbs about a third of the CO2 that humans create when burning fossil fuels. While that’s good news for the air, capturing so much extra carbon dioxide makes ocean waters more acidic, harming marine life. Enter Ebb Carbon, a startup that wants to reinforce the ocean’s ability to Read More...

Snow Cone the North Atlantic right whale tangled in fishing gear next to her calf

Resilient North Atlantic right whale gives birth while entangled in fishing gear

It’s no secret that improperly discarded fishing gear is one of the biggest threats to the lives of many aquatic creatures. Fortunately, a mother North Atlantic right whale, a species that is critically endangered, was miraculously able to give birth to a calf even while chronically entangled in Read More...

Frozen sign that reads

Drones help scientists gather winter climate data from Gulf Stream

Collecting weather data along the Gulf Stream in severe winter conditions is a challenge, to say the least, for traditional ships with human crews. To make the process easier and more efficient, Saildrone, headquartered in Alameda, California, manufactures surface vehicles that use renewable Read More...

Oil spill in ocean mixed with sand.

Bug-inspired floating robots can clean up ocean pollutants

Thanks to human behavior, the ocean is cluttered with pollutants like oil and contaminants from drinking water. These materials are harmful to the ecosystem, as they prevent vital oxygen from reaching marine life and are also toxic. Currently, to clean up oil spills, people are sent on ships to do Read More...

Coral reef underwater

First IVF corals successfully spawn on Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) has an exciting announcement: The first generation of IVF coral babies have officially reproduced on a degraded reef. As described by GBRF, coral IVF uses modern technology to breed and distribute corals so they have the highest chance of survival. “Our Read More...

New York Harbor

New York Harbor introduces 11.2 million oysters

Looking for more sustainable ways to protect waterways and protect themselves from climate risks, more communities are turning to the humble oyster to strengthen their coastlines. Seaside cities throughout California use oysters to dampen storm surges and purify water, and now, New York City is Read More...