Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025


Need some good news about the environment? The Optimist Daily is your go-to herald of positive environmental news, highlighting eco-friendly solutions and scientific progress around climate action, circularity, conservation, and more. Learn about everything eco in our Environment section.

British supermarket to phase o

British supermarket to phase out plastic packaging of brand products by 2023

If we want to solve the problem with plastic pollution, we're going to need supermarkets to stop using single-use plastics altogether. Iceland Foods, a British supermarket chain, is leading the pack when it comes to ditching plastic after announcing it will remove plastic completely from its Read More...

Scientists are honing in on a

Scientists are honing in on a safer, natural alternative to pesticides

Pesticide-free farming would do wonders for the world's declining insect populations, but not all farmers are willing to take the risk of switching to more sustainable farming techniques. In an attempt to create a safer strain of pesticides that will do less harm to the planet, researchers at the Read More...

Smart city tech is getting itâ

Smart city tech is getting it’s time to shine in Brooklyn

In Downtown Brooklyn, Fulton Street–the neighborhood’s commercial thoroughfare–is closed to cars. Technically, at least. Fulton is designated as a bus-only street, but around 3,000 cars each month use the corridor illegally. This creates issues for the buses and their 20,000 daily riders, Read More...

An iconic music festival just

An iconic music festival just banned plastic water bottles for good

Britain’s Glastonbury Festival is one of the most iconic music festivals in the world, hosting over 200,000 visitors each year. If you’re old enough to remember, acts like The Kinks, Van Morrison and Felt Kuti all the stage of Glastonbury back in the 1970s. And while it’s always been a Read More...

If you can’t avoid flying, c

If you can’t avoid flying, choose the airlines trying to cut down on emissions

By avoiding air travel altogether, you’re doing the environment a huge favor. The problem is avoiding airplanes and using alternative forms of transportation isn’t always possible, especially if you have to make it overseas. Still, you can make a difference by traveling with the airlines that Read More...

General Mills is on a mission

General Mills is on a mission to regenerate America’s farmland

Farming a single crop on the same path of land—something known as a monoculture—depletes the soil of its nutrients and ruins its ability to trap carbon. The longer a monoculture remains a place, the harder it becomes for healthy land to regenerate. The problem is that for farmers, rotating Read More...

Why you should stop buying bir

Why you should stop buying birthday balloons

As our name implies, we don’t like to be the bearer of bad news. But sometimes we feel it’s important to bring about some more unfortunate news in order to motivate better decisions regarding our planet. In this case, new research has found that balloons are the number one marine debris risk of Read More...

White paint: the surprisingly

White paint: the surprisingly simple way to keep cities cool

We don’t need to reinvent the wheel and invent highly-complex gadgets to keep our cities cool in the face of climate change. In fact, a bucket of white paint can already go a long way in helping cities shrug off rising temperatures. White paint limits the amount of light and therefore heat a Read More...

An Indonesian community built

An Indonesian community built a natural defense to save its shoreline

When the Demak District of Indonesia’s most populous island started to notice that its precious shoreline was degrading and disappearing, the district came up with a five-year plan to restore it. The plan included the installation of permeable dam structures made of bamboo and brushwood that trap Read More...

The UN just declared 2021 to 2

The UN just declared 2021 to 2030 the ‘Decade on Ecosystem Restoration’

Massive political and financial backing will be needed if we want to turn the tide against climate change. That’s why it’s more than welcoming to know that the period between 2021 and 2030 has officially been declared as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Just this week, the General Read More...