Need some good news about the environment? The Optimist Daily is your go-to herald of positive environmental news, highlighting eco-friendly solutions and scientific progress around climate action, circularity, conservation, and more. Learn about everything eco in our Environment section.
It’s that time of the year when you fill your gardens with flower bulbs that will bloom when the dull winter ends. The options are limitless when it comes to bulbs, but unfortunately, many of these are grown with pesticides and fungicides that harm the soil and poison pollinators such as bees. To Read More...
Think of a tree-lined street in the midst of a busy city. It feels like something of a treasure: hushed, cool, and sheltered from noise and sidewalk Read More...
As coastlines continue to be developed rapidly across the world, more and more natural ecosystems like marshes, mangroves, and coral reefs are being destroyed. These wetlands are massively important as they not only help sequester carbon emissions, but also work to protect us from catastrophes like Read More...
People who abuse animals in England will now face up to five years in prison under a tough new crackdown. The environment secretary, Michael Gove, said the tenfold increase from the present six-month sentence was needed to combat Read More...
Amazon conservation groups have hailed a victory as the Brazilian government announced a U-turn on plans to open up swaths of the world’s biggest forest to mining corporations. President Michel Temer had sparked outrage in August when he announced a decree to abolish the Renca reserve, an area Read More...
A designer has found a way to turn landfill waste into “Plasma Rock”—an innovative material that can be used to create eco-friendly consumer goods. The durable rock is the result of plasma gasification—a process that heats landfill materials at extremely high temperatures. The rock is Read More...
With the planet’s reserves of phosphorus running low, Scottish researchers are working on a new technique to recover this vital element from sewage. Phosphorus, which is a key ingredient in the fertilizers that grow our food, can’t be plucked out of the air and has to be mined in a handful of Read More...
Portuguese schoolchildren from the area struck by the country’s worst forest fires are seeking crowdfunding to sue 47 European countries, alleging that the states’ failure to tackle climate change threatens their right to Read More...
The cities of San Francisco and Oakland expect to be paying a hefty chunk of change in the coming decades to offset the effects of climate change. According to papers filed this week in State Superior Court, San Francisco expects to be paying out about $5 billion for climate change mitigation this Read More...
There are plenty of ideas about how to conserve species that are nearing extinction. However, little is done to implement those ideas. Part of the problem is that it's extremely difficult to find people and resources to partner with outside the world of conservationists. That’s why one frustrated Read More...