Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025


Need some good news about the environment? The Optimist Daily is your go-to herald of positive environmental news, highlighting eco-friendly solutions and scientific progress around climate action, circularity, conservation, and more. Learn about everything eco in our Environment section.

The eco guide to animal welfar

The eco guide to animal welfare

Animal welfare is one of the UK’s most successful exports. When the late Peter Roberts, a Hampshire dairy farmer, founded the charity Compassion in World Farming ( 50 years ago, he rightly feared that industrialised farming would wreak havoc on animals and the planet. Even he Read More...

Microsoft is granting access t

Microsoft is granting access to its AI systems to environmentally-focused projects

Microsoft is lending its artificial intelligence systems to researchers and organizations in order to help them solve the major environmental issues we face today. Leaders of the projects focusing on water, agriculture, biodiversity and climate change can apply for access to Microsoft’s cloud and Read More...

Coca-Cola to start producing b

Coca-Cola to start producing bottles made of 50 percent recycled plastic

Coca-Cola, the world’s biggest drinks brand, has announced it will increase the amount of recycled plastic in its bottles to 50 percent, up 10 percent from its previous goal. The company described the proposal as ambitious, but environmentalists said they did not go far enough, pointing towards Read More...

These ancient societies know t

These ancient societies know the secrets of infinite growth on our finite planet

Once upon a time, there were three scientists––a biologist, an engineer, and a chemist. Each of them loved the ocean and liked nothing better than to walk its shores and study its inhabitants. They were curious and observant, and by watching how nature really works, with an open-mind, Read More...

Can the monarch highway help s

Can the monarch highway help save a butterfly under siege?

Interstate 35 lies at the heart of a vast circulatory system, one of the massive transportation arteries that enable Americans to move long distances quickly. The highway also cuts through the heart of the eastern monarch’s central flyway, which produces the vast majority of brilliant orange Read More...

19 US aquariums join forces to

19 US aquariums join forces to fight plastic water pollution

According to a fall 2016 study led by the World Economic Forum, 32 percent of the 78 million tons of plastic packaging generated annually across the globe ends up in waterways and storm drains where it eventually flows into oceans. That rate is the equivalent of a dump truck pouring a load of Read More...

The 15 cities with the most tr

The 15 cities with the most trees around the world

There's a global movement encouraging cities to grow more trees and plan more parks. But which ones have the most green space today? To find out, MIT's Senseable Lab partnered with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to create Treepedia, a site with interactive maps that show the density of greenery in Read More...

1.5 million volunteers in Indi

1.5 million volunteers in India planted 66 million trees in just 12 hours

When humans work collectively, they can do some pretty incredible things. In India, 1.5 million volunteers came together on Sunday to plant a record-breaking 66 million trees in just 12 hours along the Narmada river in the state of Madhya Pradesh. India committed under the Paris Agreement to Read More...

Body Shop announces £2m ̵

Body Shop announces £2m 'biobridges' scheme to save rainforest wildlife

A £2m scheme to create 10 new 'bio-bridges' which link up areas of rainforest to help wildlife has been launched by the Body Shop. The global scheme aims to protect and regenerate 10 corridors between wildlife hotspots by 2020 to connect isolated and endangered animals and plant species and Read More...

Making money and saving the en

Making money and saving the environment in the repair economy

The next time you break your bike or you rip your jeans, don’t get a replacement. Instead, you should get it repaired. Producing anything new requires raw materials and energy, which places added strain on the environment. By extending the lifespan of your possessions by getting them fixed, you Read More...