Today’s Solutions: January 19, 2025

Sustainable Urban Development

With cities expected to host about 70 percent of the world's population, sustainable urban development is key to making communities worldwide more resilient against the growing threat of climate change. Find out about the latest urban practices from across the world aiming to make our cities more sustainable and inclusive in these good-news stories from The Optimist Daily.

Electric vehicle charging home

What if you could power your home with your car?

One of the things we find reassuring about electric cars — besides the fact that they produce fewer emissions and don’t hurt our planet nearly as much — is the idea that we could charge one from our very own homes instead of having to drive to a gas station. What if it worked the other Read More...

Toilet with flowers in it

Upcycling your "business," 5 uses of human waste

At The Optimist Daily, we keep our ears keened for news about upcycling. It’s an impressive hack, making productive use of discarded materials and waste, turning what was trash into something new. It’s a great solution toward making sustainable products, and we’re always looking for creative Read More...

Traffic free London

Ultra-Low Emissions Zone extended to all of London

The Optimist Daily has followed the progress of London’s Ultra-Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) since the beginning when mayor Sadiq Khan planned to reduce the city’s air pollution and introduce a charge on the most polluting vehicles in the city. In 2019, ULEZ was enacted, charging motorists £12.50 Read More...

Collective climate action

6 impactful changes you can make to help avoid climate crisis

When it comes to climate change, just reading the news can be overwhelming. Hearing about wildfires and droughts, considering greenwashing and corporate carbon emissions, it’s easy to become stressed without even leaving your house, to think that there’s nothing you can do as an individual to Read More...

city trees

City trees may trap more CO2 than we thought

It’s becoming common knowledge at this point that trees greatly benefit cities and the people that call them home. City trees and urban green areas regulate temperature, improve mental health and reduce loneliness for urbanites, clean the air and even reduce crime rates. Our tall, green friends Read More...

off shore wind turbines

Offshore wind farms might reverse climate change effects and help sea life

As the demand for renewable energy gets higher and higher, offshore wind turbines will inevitably move further and further away from the shore. Fortunately, floating turbine technology will help facilitate this shift—but now, for the first time ever, areas of the UK continental shelf that are Read More...

Green ripening soybean field, agricultural landscape

Scientists improve crops without genetic modification

The verdict on genetically modified crops is still not settled globally, with some countries allowing their use and some wary of their potential environmental impact. A new process might make the promise of scientific advancement in food production more digestible. Scientists from the RIKEN Read More...

Infinity Train Green future

This “Infinity Train” only needs gravity to recharge

Australian mining company Fortescue and Fortescue Future Industries are collaborating with UK-based Williams Advanced Engineering to create the Infinity Train—the world’s first battery-electric self-charging train. How does it work? A zero-carbon electric train that never needs to stop to Read More...

Maglev Train Shanghai

8 Amazing public transportation innovations

In the modern age, public transportation is an important solution for reducing emissions. Travel is increasing, with many commuting for work and others heading on vacation. At the same time, eco-friendly travel is a major consideration for the modern mover. Cities and countries around the globe are Read More...

Mass timber structure against blue sky in the background

Amsterdam plans to build its first wooden neighborhood in centuries

When it comes to sustainable urban development, Amsterdam stands out as a metropolis ready to integrate a variety of strategies to make the city more livable and eco-friendly: from underwater bike garages to energy-sharing, floating villages. Now, the city is planning to build an entire Read More...