Today’s Solutions: September 21, 2024


A view of Vilnius Old Town at sunrise

How the capital of Lithuania is turning itself into a vast open-air cafe

For many cities around the world, the need for social distancing has motivated cities to experiment with different urban planning schemes. Recently, we published a story about how Paris is creating 650 kilometers of pop-up “corona cycleways” to be ready for May 11 when the lockdown is eased in Read More...

This beautiful concrete home h

This beautiful concrete home has trees spilling out the windows

We don’t typically publish stories about the design of individual homes, but sometimes you need to give credit where it’s due. In Ha Long, Vietnam, an architecture studio has created a stunning concrete home that has trees spilling out its windows and balconies. As Curbed writer Liz Stinson Read More...

Tired of virtual meetings? Her

Tired of virtual meetings? Here’s how to overcome ‘Zoom fatigue’

If you’re anything like us at the Optimist Daily, you’re probably feeling exhausted by virtual meetings. We spoke about it amongst ourselves while on Zoom and decided to look around to see if others were feeling the same. Apparently, we’re not alone. In an article for National Read More...

A revived old custom in Italy

A revived old custom in Italy is helping those in need during the pandemic

In Italy, where the coronavirus has shuttered more than 2 million businesses and left one in every two workers without income, some Italians are putting a new twist on an old custom to help the needy and restart the economy. In Rome, the Piazza San Giovanni Della Malva used to echo with the noise Read More...

Pakistan’s Billion Tree proj

Pakistan’s Billion Tree project is bringing the bees and honey back

In 2018, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan announced the Billion Tree project, a lofty country-wide effort to plant 10 billion trees over a 5-year span. The project has already led to the planting of hundreds of thousands of trees, resulting in a huge boost in bee populations. Apparently, Read More...

Paris is turning its motorist-

Paris is turning its motorist-friendly streets into post-lockdown cycleways

To minimize social contact and maximize daily physical activity, many cities around the world have been giving over road space to cyclists and pedestrians during the pandemic. While the idea is to give people the sort of generous space generally allotted to motorists, it’s also giving cities a Read More...

Back view of business woman talking to her colleagues about plan in video conference.

Tired of Zoom meetings? Consider adding a llama

Silicon Valley is famous for its tech scene, but it is also home to the animal sanctuary Sweet Farm. Now, the farm is getting cozier with its tech neighbors and renting out farm animals to add some flair to Zoom meetings.  For $100, companies can hire a llama or goat to make a virtual Read More...

This series will take you to t

This series will take you to the world's most ingenious homes

We at the Optimist Daily are always curious about the latest developments in architecture and design. It came to our attention that Apple TV+ has a pretty incredible documentary series out that will take you to some of the world’s most intriguing dwellings. All the episodes in the series Read More...

A pangolin searches for ants.

COVID-19 might just be a blessing in disguise for the pangolin

The pangolin is one of the most fascinating creatures in the world, being the only mammal to also be covered in hard protective scales. Unfortunately, it is these scales that make them a target for poachers, who sell them to be used in Chinese traditional medicine. Their meat is also considered a Read More...

Man hugging tree trunk

Iceland recommends this natural remedy to help with social isolation

Given that humans are by nature social animals, in a time when close contact and embracing are discouraged to slow the spread of the virus, such preventive measures can take a toll on many people’s wellbeing. But since we don’t know exactly for how long physical distancing will keep loved Read More...