Today’s Solutions: March 13, 2025


America now has a stretch of h

America now has a stretch of highway paved with recycled plastic

A newly repaved stretch of highway in Oroville, California, looks like an ordinary road. But it’s the first highway in the country to be paved in part with recycled plastic—the equivalent of roughly 150,000 plastic bottles per mile of the three-lane road. The change in materials makes the Read More...

A startup is realizing Nikola

A startup is realizing Nikola Tesla’s dream of wireless power transmission

The dream of wireless power transmission is an old one. In 1890, everyone’s favorite electrical genius Nikola Tesla once proved he could power light bulbs from more than two miles away with a 140-foot Tesla coil in the 1890s – never mind that in doing so he burned out the dynamo at the local Read More...

Selection of essential oils, with herbs and flowers in the background

These 6 essential oils can soothe bug bites and help you skip the scratch

Bug bites are among the few things that can turn a summertime outing into an unappetizing experience. And though scratching provides in-the-moment relief, it only makes bites more painful in the long run and could potentially cause infection. Fortunately, some essential oils have antimicrobial and Read More...

Top view of yellow banana peel isolated on blue, colorful background.

Don’t throw away your banana peels. Do this instead

With bananas being such a delicious and healthy snack, it’s no wonder that people in the US eat as much as 3.2 billion pounds of these tasty treats every year. The problem, however, is that most banana peels are tossed away once the sweet fleshy part is eaten. This not only contributes to the Read More...

Add these 4 foods to your diet

Add these 4 foods to your diet to reduce bloating

If your stomach has ever swollen to the point where you felt the urge to unbutton your pants, chances are bloating is to blame. The good thing is that bloating can usually be relieved with some simple dietary changes. According to Kellyann Petrucci, a leading naturopathic physician, nutritionist, Read More...

Future of food: The world’s

Future of food: The world’s biggest rooftop urban farm is now bearing fruit

In the summer of 2019, we published a story about a rooftop urban farm being constructed in Paris that was set to be the biggest in the world. Now, nearly a year later, the world’s largest urban rooftop farm has started to bear fruit. Strawberries, to be precise: small, intensely flavored and Read More...

Security worker and police dog walking down airport terminal

Trained sniffer dogs are able detect coronavirus with incredible accuracy

In the past, we wrote about a research project in the UK where scientists were exploring how dogs could be trained to sniff out signs of the novel coronavirus. A similar venture has been undertaken by researchers at the University of Hannover, Germany, where a team found that with little training, Read More...

Vegan chickpeas burgers with arugula, pickled cucumbers and hummus.

Just attempting a plant-based diet can help lower blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the highest risk factors for heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. As a result, researchers are actively seeking lifestyle interventions to limit its damaging effects and lower blood pressure over time. While fully plant-based and vegan diets Read More...

20 ways to protect your mental

20 ways to protect your mental health, according to modern science

Just like we at The Optimist Daily are striving every day to lead a healthy, positive lifestyle, we want our readers to be able to do the same. Modern brain science has a lot to say about what helps protect us given the risk factors of today. With that in mind, here are 20 strategies to practice Read More...

Study shows cutting screen tim

Study shows cutting screen time lowers risk of death

We already know that too much screen time can affect everything from sleep quality to creativity, but a study from the University of Glasgow explains that the effects might be more far-reaching than we once thought. Less screen time leads to better health The study followed almost 500,000 Read More...