Today’s Solutions: January 20, 2025


Tackling the gender wage gap i

Tackling the gender wage gap in the gig economy

The global economy is changing. Last week we ran a story about making the most of your job in the gig economy, but how does the rapidly growing gig economy pan out for women? Unfortunately, while the national wage gap hovers around $10,000 per year, a recent analysis found the average female Read More...

What Finland’s new parliamen

What Finland’s new parliament can teach America about gender equality

Finland’s new parliament looks radically different from most governments: it’s dominated by women under 35. The parliament is led by newly elected prime minister Sanna Marin, who, at 34 years old, is the youngest in the world. This may sound radical to Americans, but Finland elected its Read More...

How a major museum is fighting

How a major museum is fighting the imbalance of women artists in museums

Who are the most famous artists you can think of? Chances are most of them are men. However, this is no surprise given that a 2019 study of 18 U.S. museums revealed that 87% of artists featured in their collections are men. In a bold step to rectify the imbalance, the Baltimore Museum of Art will Read More...

Nadya Okamoto advocates for me

Nadya Okamoto advocates for menstrual care for all. Period.

Although Nadya Okamoto is only 20 years old, she has started her own non-profit and written a book about her endeavors. Her mission: period advocacy. During a brief stint of homelessness as a teenager, Okamoto came face to face with the reality that for many women, paying for menstrual products is Read More...

7 Ways the #MeToo movement has

7 Ways the #MeToo movement has changed our society for the better

The #MeToo movement was launched into the mass media’s consciousness almost two years ago when actress Alyssa Milano publicized the magnitude of the issue, and high profile men, such as Harvey Weinstein, brought the issue to the forefront of the public’s attention. The movement, created by Read More...

Ten female founders who are sh

Ten female founders who are shaking up male-dominated fields

Female entrepreneurs in traditionally male-dominated fields can often meet hostility and frustrating roadblocks on the path to success. Nevertheless, innovative female leaders in tech, food, and finance are demonstrating on a daily basis that women are bringing ideas to the table that are shaping Read More...

These statistics show why inve

These statistics show why investing in female-led startups pays off

Earlier this week we shared a story about how Barclays and Anthemis’ Female Innovator Lab is seeking out female entrepreneurs to back. In case you needed more evidence for the powerful potential of investing in women-led startups, today we have 10 statistics for you that build the case for Read More...

Barclays and Anthemis seek unt

Barclays and Anthemis seek untapped innovation in female fintech startups

Women receive only a slim 2 percent of venture capital funds, but Anthemis and Barclays’, Female Innovator Lab, is looking to change this statistic. The New York-based group is looking to back female financial technology startups to level the playing field for female entrepreneurs.  The group Read More...

Tracking menstrual cycles can

Tracking menstrual cycles can help female athletes reach their full potential

While menstrual cycles have certainly not prevented women from becoming some of the most successful and revered contemporary athletes, many high-level competitors, including the World Cup-winning U.S. Women’s Soccer Team, have begun to break the stigma surrounding menstruation and are Read More...

This app let’s women turn th

This app let’s women turn their homes into intimate off-line gathering spaces

There’s a new way to make a little extra income on your property—and it’s not Airbnb. The platform we’re talking about is called Quilt, and it’s an app-based community that allows women to open their homes for intimate, offline gatherings, whether it’s co-working, conversation, or Read More...