Today’s Solutions: January 20, 2025


On abortion, Hillary Clinton t

On abortion, Hillary Clinton takes ownership of her feminism

But jeepers, people, this is serious. Trump was refusing to acknowledge it was even possible for him to lose a fair fight. At one point, he announced the election was rigged because Hillary Clinton was in Read More...

Female millennial social entre

Female millennial social entrepreneurs are changing the world

Pitching for funding can be an intimidating business, especially when you are a young woman at a testosterone-fuelled event for startups and your idea is a social enterprise to help save orangutans in Borneo. When a fellow entrepreneur tried to impress the founder of My Green World, Natalie Read More...

Bringing more women entreprene

Bringing more women entrepreneurs into clean renewable energy revolution

October 17th, 2016 by Carolyn Fortuna  Originally published on Ecopreneurist. Decentralized sustainable energy technologies—both at the individual systems level, such as solar home systems, and at the mini-grid level servicing 50 to 100 households—are the cheapest solutions for Read More...

In praise of a president who o

In praise of a president who offered eight dignified years free of sex scandals

A friend posted on Facebook this mock note from her daughter: Dr. Mr. Trump, I heard you on the news yesterday saying that you wanted to grab a woman’s pussy. I am ten years old so I don’t know that word yet but it seems pretty important since all the news channels are covering it and Read More...

What does a feminist foreign p

What does a feminist foreign policy look like?

A reader responds to our previous reader roundup, which emphasized poll numbers showing that the vast majority of Americans say they believe in “equality for women” but only a small percentage of Americans identify as “feminist”: I’m rather surprised you didn’t Read More...

Why aren’t we designing citi

Why aren’t we designing cities that work for women, not just men?

In the 1990s, a simple survey in Vienna led urban planners to rethink their whole approach to infrastructure development. The questionnaire asked residents why and how they used public transportation, and the results were striking because men and women had very different responses. Men’s Read More...

Manhattan pharmacy taxing men

Manhattan pharmacy taxing men more because America is sexist

A New York pharmacy has been on the receiving end of a backlash after announcing a new store policy that "all male customers are subject to a 7% Man Tax". The unofficial levy was announced in the window of Thompson Chemists in the Soho district of Manhattan on Monday, alongside another sign Read More...

Acupuncture can reduce hot flu

Acupuncture can reduce hot flushes in menopausal women by half, researchers find

Women could halve the number of hot flushes they endure by turning to acupuncture, suggests new research. Hot flushes, a sudden feeling of feverish heat, are the bane of women going through the menopause. While many hot flushes last for just five minutes, as intense heat rises through the Read More...

Sexism is bad for the economy.

Sexism is bad for the economy. These 4 charts prove it

Gender equality and women's empowerment can be a major boost to economies, according to a new report by the United Nations. Bringing women's income level with men, and increasing their participation in the economy can offer potential gains for basic human rights, human development and economic Read More...

Social entrepreneurship: Where

Social entrepreneurship: Where the glass ceiling is already smashed

There is a growing sector where women are rising to the top, smashing through the glass ceiling as never before, and transforming the world with big ideas. It’s called social entrepreneurship and it’s disrupting the traditional status quo, fostering innovation and developing Read More...