In an increasingly globalized world, international development efforts aim to improve living conditions, equity, and human rights around the world. Our global development section tracks this globalization and reports on specific equitable and sustainable development initiatives.
Although Africa has registered only three percent of the world’s COVID-19 cases, the continent is feeling the economic impacts of the pandemic more heavily than those of the disease. Investment in digital resources, especially in the agricultural sector, will be key for Africa’s recovery from Read More...
Southern California’s mild climate and fertile soil make it an ideal habitat for the multitude of fruit trees that dot its landscape. Now, Santa Barbara-based Greenspot is looking to share the produce riches and promote nutritious local food with its harvesting and hosting programs. If you Read More...
Covid-19 has side effects. No, we aren’t talking about the side effects of the disease, but rather the impact of the shutdowns on our society. One positive outcome is the significant drop in premature births and potentially revolutionary knowledge about pregnancy. Doctors in many countries, Read More...
Pure drinking water may be a widely available commodity in developed countries, but in many other parts of the world, it’s still a scarcity. Many innovative solutions have been attempted, much like these ‘hydro panels’ from an Arizona-based startup, but there’s still a lot of work to be Read More...
We may take our access to the internet for granted, but more than 40 percent of the global population still can’t connect to the web. With this in mind, Alphabet’s internet-beaming Project Loon has set off on a mission to overcome this digital divide, starting in Kenya. Project Loon is a Read More...
As you’ve probably inferred by now – given the current state of the world – forecasting future events is a rather challenging undertaking. But there are rare instances when some experts get it right. Take for example Silicon Valley entrepreneur Tony Seba, who a decade ago was among the few Read More...
With only 10 percent of Uganda’s rural population connected to the power grid, people have no other choice but to use firewood as the main source of fuel to cook, leading to one of the worst deforestation rates in the world. In fact, every year, 2.6 percent of the country’s forests are cut Read More...
Meet Hasina Kharbhih. When she was just a schoolgirl in Shillong, India, she started supporting the social development of vulnerable communities in the northeast of the country. Now at the age of 49, Kharbhih and her Impulse NGO Network have rescued 72,000 women and children trafficked across Read More...
The pandemic has radically altered the employment landscape. Most jobs will be very different when regular work resumes and many jobs will not come back at all. In order to induct a large workforce into new roles, effective and rapid training techniques will need to happen across all sectors. A new Read More...
Millions of species on Earth, from tiny microorganisms to the blue whale, all work together to maintain a stable biodiverse ecosystem everywhere on the planet. However, somewhere along the line, humans developed a humans-as-supreme, not life-as-supreme, attitude about our role in nature. In Read More...