What does good governance look like? In this good news section, we share international examples of good governance, from efforts directed at the protection of civil rights to initiatives aimed at the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of the environment.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has launched a new program that aims to make service dogs more available to veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The newly-signed Puppies Assisting Wounded Servicemembers (PAWS) for Veterans Therapy Act is the result of years of work from Read More...
Even if you’ve never heard of chlorpyrifos, you’ve probably come in contact with it on your food. This common pesticide has been on the market since 1965 and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 5.1 million pounds of the chemical have been used on American crops like Read More...
We’ve written about the impact of stimulus checks during the pandemic, but the US also responded with additional measures like raising food stamps benefits, barring eviction, and offering financial support to small businesses. It looks like this policy choice paid off; poverty in 2021 is Read More...
With growing awareness about the huge environmental threat of single-use plastics, countries around the world, like Chile and New Zealand, have ramped up their efforts against plastic pollution by strategically banning disposable plastics. Now India is committing to a plastic-free future as well. Read More...
Even for those of us perpetually concerned with the disastrous effects of a changing climate, the most recent IPCC report was tough to swallow. The reality is that even with our strictest existing climate measures, we are still going to experience devastating impacts from the emissions we’ve Read More...
Haiti experienced a 7.2 magnitude earthquake on Sunday resulting in the death of more than 1200 people and broad infrastructure damage. Multiple nonprofits have mobilized to provide aid, so we gathered a list of a few reputable organizations you can donate to in order to support relief Read More...
If you enjoyed last week’s Perseid Meteor Shower and want to see more night sky action, we’ve got good news. The US and Canada have established the world’s newest International Dark Sky Park for star-lovers to enjoy. The Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park is a collaborative National Read More...
As $350 billion in Covid-19 relief funds make their way to cities and states, many are pondering the most impactful way to spend that money. Some, like Nashville, are putting towards affordable housing while others look at infrastructure or making up for lost tax revenue during the pandemic. To Read More...
Resources for pregnant mothers in US prisons are scarce, to say the least. Most offer limited prenatal care and in some states, newborns are only allowed to reside with their incarcerated mothers for 24 hours before they must be turned over to a relative. In a bid to make conditions for pregnant Read More...
During the Covid-19 pandemic, another epidemic has been raging in the US, largely unnoticed: the opioid crisis. As the number of drug overdose deaths reaches a record high in the US, researchers have identified several science-backed actions that could be taken at a federal level, and are indeed Read More...