From advancements in the fight against malaria to new cancer treatments, to novel medical technologies, find all positive news about incredible medical breakthroughs and life-saving technology from all corners of the globe.
The heart, in a way, is the body's motor. Its job is to pump and circulate blood around the body to provide oxygen to all of our other tissues. Because of its key role, cardiac trouble and dysfunction mean serious health concerns. This is responsible for one in every four deaths annually in the Read More...
From what we now know, the fact that something is convenient doesn’t at all mean it’s safe. Chemical pollution from everyday products is considered responsible for a host of problems from the endangerment of marine life to declining human fertility rates and many other health Read More...
The U.S. has the highest perinatal (the period a mother becomes pregnant up to a year after giving birth) morbidity and mortality rates of all the high-resource countries. Of the mothers affected, the risk for Hispanic and Black women increases threefold compared to non-Hispanic and White Read More...
Malaria has long been one of the deadliest diseases in Africa, and fighting it has been a long and tiring struggle. When the RTS,S vaccine came out in 2021, it raised hopes for what could be a turning point in the fight against Malaria. For now, it seems to have had a profound change on the 1 Read More...
Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in men worldwide, and sadly the disease takes thousands of lives every year. However, a team of researchers led by the University of East Anglia may have a potential solution. The scientists performed sophisticated genetic analyses Read More...
Imagine going to the doctor for a check-up and finding out you are missing a vital part of your brain. This is what happened in 1987 to a woman — referred to as EG— who had no prior knowledge of her condition before this scan. In accounts from EG and those who know her, no unusual behavior Read More...
Preventative medicine is the low-cost, common-sense way of avoiding big and often expensive acute medical incidents. We don’t smoke so we don’t get cancer. We eat healthily and drink coffee in moderation to avoid bad cholesterol. Now, we could reduce the spread of viruses with simple household Read More...
Intubation is a drastic yet necessary procedure that medical professionals perform to open patients’ airways. While it can be a real lifesaver, intubation is difficult to perform, and sometimes the tube can be placed incorrectly. A specialized, 3D-printed device with a small wireless camera Read More...
Humans are terrestrial creatures. We adapted and evolved to the environments of Earth, and, needless to say, things can get complicated for us when we venture beyond our atmosphere. In addition to the myriad other concerns astronauts have, they also have a high chance of developing kidney stones Read More...
The human brain is enormously complex, no one can deny that, but some parts of our brains are similar to those of some simpler animals. Think of it this way: a motorcycle may not have a car’s rear differential, air conditioning, or safety features, but they do both have an engine. Some of the Read More...