Today’s Solutions: December 28, 2024

Mental Health

Here you can read the latest news and research studies covering mental health. This is also the place to find out about different strategies on how you can reduce stress and boost happiness, and many other ways to look after your mental wellbeing.

In response to high demand Ore

In response to high demand Oregon boosts legal psilocybin access 

Epic Healing Eugene is now the epicenter of Oregon's blossoming psilocybin movement, thanks to its captivating environment and dedicated facilitators. Epic Healing Eugene, which opened this June, is America’s first licensed psilocybin service center. It is open to individuals over the age of 21 Read More...

New York schools commit to nur

New York schools commit to nurturing mental health through mindful breathing

Meet Noah Hill, a third-grader at Brooklyn's Dr. Ronald E. McNair Public School 5. He's discovered a simple yet significant technique for finding peace in the midst of chaos: "Breathe in through your nose, and breathe out with a whisper," he says. This technique, known as "ocean breathing," has Read More...

Zumba: The workout that turns

Zumba: The workout that turns fitness haters into dance floor enthusiasts

One faithful day in Colombia in the 1990s, a fitness instructor realized he forgot his usual workout playlist and sparked a spontaneous dance session to loud Latin beats instead. This serendipitous move transformed his exercise class into an exhilarating dance party. With that, zumba was born, Read More...

Unlocking happiness: The 30-mi

Unlocking happiness: The 30-minute secret to better mental health

It's no surprise that in a world dominated by screens, many of us are concerned about how much time we spend connected to our smartphones. While the advantages of limiting screen time are widely recognized, the issue remains: how much is enough? A new study shed light on this quandary, and the Read More...

Mexico’s bold step forwa

Mexico's bold step forward: The Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide

The Supreme Court of Mexico decriminalized abortion on a federal level in a landmark ruling, marking a crucial milestone in the global campaign for reproductive rights. The court's decision, which was verified in a social media statement on September 6, demonstrates a commitment to protecting the Read More...

Music therapy’s transfo

Music therapy's transformative power in dementia care

Marta Cinta González Saldaa, a former exquisite ballerina, finds peace in the melodies of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake during the calm moments of her day. Despite the grasp of dementia, her hands follow the rhythm, and her spirit rises with the music for a brief moment. This touching moment, filmed in Read More...

Maximizing your paternity leav

Maximizing your paternity leave: A guide for new dads

Being a parent is an incredible experience, and if your business provides paid paternity leave, you should take advantage of it. Surprisingly, just five percent of working men take more than two weeks off after the birth of their youngest child, despite the enormous benefits that come with it, such Read More...

This fentanyl-neutralizing vac

This fentanyl-neutralizing vaccine may revolutionize the battle against opioid addiction

A game-changing technique is on the horizon in the never-ending battle against opiate addiction and overdose deaths. Scientists are preparing for the first human trials of vaccines created precisely to combat the devastation caused by fentanyl and heroin. Given the worrisome surge in opioid-related Read More...

Pen and paper revival: The man

Pen and paper revival: The many brain-boosting benefits of writing by hand

Now that laptops, smartphones, and other devices are so commonplace in our modern-day lives, the art of writing by hand has seen a decline. Before, young people were taught how to read and write in cursive at school as part of the standard curriculum. Since 2010, however, the Common Core standards Read More...

Novel drug shows promise as tr

Novel drug shows promise as treatment for postpartum depression

Women suffering from postpartum depression (PPD) may soon not find themselves in despair for long, as a novel medicine known as zuranolone shows promise in altering their lives. This prospective drug gives new mothers the possibility of a standalone treatment for PPD, a mood condition that affects Read More...