Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025

Mental Health

Here you can read the latest news and research studies covering mental health. This is also the place to find out about different strategies on how you can reduce stress and boost happiness, and many other ways to look after your mental wellbeing.

happy woman outside with yellow jacket and voluminous curly hair

6 ideas from around the world to help boost happiness

Helen Russell, a journalist and global happiness expert who wrote The Year of Living Danishly and The Atlas of Happiness, says that there are ways in which different nations worldwide enhance their experience of happiness through a mindset or an attitude that runs deep within the Read More...

Artificially colored MRI ccan Of human brain.

Just one brain scan can now diagnose Alzheimer’s

Many advances have been made in diagnosing, understanding, preventing, and treating Alzheimer’s disease over the past 100 years. Some of these include a nasal spray that could help prevent the disease and the discovery that our gut diversity plays a role in the risk of the condition. Doctors Read More...

female hands typing text message via cellphone

How to “unghost” a past friend, according to friendship experts

In a perfect world, no one would ever end a personal relationship by abruptly stopping all communication with no explanation—In other words, “ghosting.” However, sometimes life gets in the way, and we ghost.  What is unghosting? Psychologist, professor, speaker, and author Marisa G. Read More...

Couple running into the sunset

Here is a neurologist-approved 10 day reset plan to reclaim your life

Have you ever tried a detox? Maybe you gave up TV for a month or sugar. Why not challenge yourself to try a “brain detox.” Created by neurologist David Perlmutter, this 10-day plan will help you reset your brain and set you on the path to reclaiming your life.  Day 1: Digital detox You Read More...

Happy African American father carrying his son on shoulders and helping him to put star on top of Christmas tree.

5 expert-recommended ways to cope with holiday stress

Financial strain, social pressure, and countless to-dos make the period between Thanksgiving and New Year's the most stressful time of year, according to numerous surveys. Holidays may sometimes be painful reminders of those we've lost. And though many look forward to coming home for the holidays, Read More...

From the neck down view of young Black man holding a smart phone, outdoor in the city

5 resources for men who want to learn about therapy (without being judged)

Despite evidence indicating that men face mental health issues at equal or higher rates than women, men are less likely to seek counseling. "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], nearly twice as many women as men (24.7 percent and 13.4 percent, respectively) received Read More...

From pilot to policy: a closer

From pilot to policy: a closer look at guaranteed income initiatives in the US

Michael D. Tubbs, mayor of Stockton, California, initiated a daring experiment in February 2019. He randomly selected 125 residents at or below the city's median household income to receive $500 a month for 24 months. Two years later, the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration, as the pilot Read More...

Beautiful happy active couple jogging on a snowy road in nature.

A personal trainer’s 5 tips for fitting in your workouts amidst the holiday chaos

This time of year is prime time for scheduling and activity. Getting ready for the holidays, finishing up work for the year, attempting to make it to all the events, and everything else in between has packed our calendars to capacity.  In other words, ’tis the season for putting fitness Read More...

Older man and younger woman are sitting on a bench talking together.

The many benefits of cultivating intergenerational friendships

Humans tend to gravitate towards or become friends with people our age due to our experiences in school and work. As we age together and share life experiences, it's natural to stay connected to our cohort. However, broadening our social circle beyond this — whether with someone younger or Read More...

Team volunteers with many plants in a planting campaign for climate protection.

Eco-anxiety and grief part II: how to cope

Part one of this two-part series discussed the differences between ecological grief and eco-anxiety, two relatively new terms used in reference to the feelings of sadness and distress that are related to the climate crisis. Now, let’s dive into how we can face them. How to cope with Read More...