Here you can read the latest news and research studies covering mental health. This is also the place to find out about different strategies on how you can reduce stress and boost happiness, and many other ways to look after your mental wellbeing.
Spending time in nature has been shown to boost children’s cognitive development and improve mental health. One study even showed that just listening to nature is good for your health. Now, further research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders shows that one big aspect of time outdoors Read More...
Spiders are creepy-looking creatures, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that an estimated five percent of all humans on earth have a serious fear of spindly arachnids. In fact, one 2017 survey found that six-month-old babies often show stress reactions when exposed to spiders, suggesting that Read More...
Most of us have experienced at least one bout of burnout while working through a global pandemic, and when you look into the research surrounding stress and isolation, it’s no surprise that we’re not feeling as fulfilled at work these days. Research has shown that social isolation can Read More...
Brain injuries for athletes in contact sports have been steadily rising since they began to be recorded, and despite increased awareness of the traumatic and potential long-term effects of these injuries, little has been accomplished to reduce their likelihood. A study released by the American Read More...
There is no driving force on Earth more powerful than a mother—none of us would be here without our mothers having carried and birthed us, a beautiful and physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing process. Yet the language associated with pregnancy and labor is often hurtful or critical to the Read More...
These days it can feel like everything we do involves screens. Work, school, and even booking a doctor’s appointment is done online, but many of us, especially those with young children, worry about the effects of extensive screen time on developing brains. A new study from the University of Read More...
Most of our dreaming occurs during REM cycles of our sleep, but there is still some debate in the scientific community surrounding the purpose of dreaming and different sleep cycles. Hoping to shed some light on why we sleep and dream, researchers from the University of Tsukuba decided to look at Read More...
When you’re run-down and struggling with chronic exhaustion, the last thing you’ll feel inclined to do is to get your workout gear on and exert yourself even more—however, experts say that engaging your body in restorative movements may be just what you need to give yourself a revitalizing Read More...
There has been a phenomenal explosion of mental health services and communication around the importance of mental health care since the beginning of the global pandemic. There is not an age group on this planet that has not been adversely affected by the experience of quarantines, lockdowns, and Read More...
Trees are nature’s air purifiers—they provide us with oxygen and absorb CO2, which makes them a key component of the global fight against climate change. However, they also have an influence over our individual health, both mentally and physically. A new study published in Nature Read More...