From learning about the health benefits of turmeric to staying up-to-date with the latest superfood trends, discover the best diet tips to improve your health.
Globally, a staggering one-third of all food produced goes to waste. This translates to 1.6 billion tons ending up in landfills annually. In a world where more than 800 million people are malnourished, this mind-boggling amount of lost food highlights the urgency of solving the pressing global Read More...
First there was cow’s milk. Then soy milk, nut milk, pea milk, and oat milk—and the dairy industry’s war over alternatives even using the term “milk” to begin with. Depending on your worldview, all of these might have some ethical, environmental, dietary, or pricing drawbacks. So in Read More...
When we fret about the deterioration of the American diet, we tend to focus on the excessive amounts of sugar, salt, and calories we’re now eating. What we don’t talk about: an important ingredient that’s gone missing as we’ve been filling our plates with more chicken and cheese. Fiber. Read More...
By now you’ve probably heard about lab-grown meat (if not, check out Monday’s daily), but have you heard about lab-grown ice cream? Apparently, lab-grown ice cream is here that is made from a whey protein that is produced by genetically modified yeast rather than cows. In fact, not a single cow Read More...
In 2018, we wrote about a Dutch firm that was planning to create a floating dairy farm that sits on the Maas river in Rotterdam. Well, now it’s actually here: a floating dairy farm where sustainably-sourced milk and dairy products are produced for locals. While the ethics of hosting a bunch of Read More...
The development of plant-based meat has been quite fascinating to watch for those of us here at the Optimist Daily. Just a couple years ago meat alternatives such as Tofurkey were almost a joke and certainly not in the mainstream. These days it seems there’s a new plant-based meat alternative on Read More...
While the market for plant-based meat alternatives is exploding, there’s another alternative to farm-raised meat that could soon become a staple of your local supermarket: lab-grown meat. While companies vary in exact details, broadly speaking “lab-grown meat” refers to a method of making Read More...
Tackling homelessness and food insecurity can seem like an insurmountable feat, but a Middle Eastern restaurant in St. John’s, Newfoundland, is doing its part to help. Every day, Big Bite Pita provides free meals to people in need for an hour a day, 7 days a week. The restaurant opened its doors Read More...
In the UK, captured carbon is starting to be used to create bubbles that make beer fizzy. Now that we have a way to drink CO2, a Finland-based company has come up with a way to eat it too. Yes, we’re sure that the last sentence was a bit strange to read (it is 2019 you know), but bear with us a Read More...
If you've ever eaten a ripe fresh fig, you know they taste like a heavenly mix of honey and mild berry with a jam-like texture. But they're more than just delicious — they're super nutritious, too. With fig season just a month away, here are four ways figs can benefit your health. For Read More...