From learning about the health benefits of turmeric to staying up-to-date with the latest superfood trends, discover the best diet tips to improve your health.
Nearly 40 years ago federal statistics began to track the amount of calories consumed daily by the typical American adult. And it's now for the first time since that moment, that a "sustained decline" is discernible in those amounts. The New York Times analyzed several data sources on food Read More...
If coffee beans can be used for green energy, why not beer? That's what New Zealand-based DB Export Brewtroleum is doing. Biofuel made of its natural beer waste is available at Gull pumps across the country. The biofuel is made by distilling the leftover yeast to create 95 percent pure ethanol. Read More...
Taking dumpster diving to the next level. That's the idea of a group of international masters students who created FoPo Food Powder, a company that collects cheap and near-expired produce and spray dries it into a powder, extending its shelf life for two years. This is an innovative solution to Read More...
With the overwhelming health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet, there’s a growing need for education. Vegan chef Matthew Kenney is opening Asia’s first-ever plant-based culinary academy. The academy offers month-long courses. The curriculum is based on the use of whole, organic, Read More...
It’s a sign of the increasing strength of the organic movement that The Wall Street Journal—a reliable stalwart of the establishment and the status quo—joins the debate about whether organic agriculture can feed the world. Yes it can, says Catherine Badgley, an associate professor in the Read More...
An old steel factory can become the world’s largest indoor vertical farm producing healthy food all year round. That shows that the opportunities to increase food production in a sustainable way are virtually endless. AeroFarms’ new 69,000 sq ft (6,410 sq m) facility in Newark, New Jersey will Read More...
Adding an egg to your salad may make it easier to absorb the nutrients better. A small study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concludes that the carotenoids that give veggies such as carrots and tomatoes their color make the nutrients in raw vegetables stick better. They're also Read More...
An icon of the African savanna, the baobab tree produces fruit and leaves that are very nutritious and easily cultivated, even in dry environments where traditional agriculture is not possible. London-based social enterprise Aduna claims a lot of the baobab bounty goes to waste, and aspires to Read More...
The movement to reduce food waste is gaining momentum. In the wake of France’s new law banning supermarkets from destroying edible food, UK biggest supermarket chain Tesco just began to test a voluntary initiative to give away its unsold food to charities including homeless shelters. The group Read More...
Palm oil is as ubiquitous in processed foods as it is controversial for its disastrous ecological and social impacts. Transparent supply chains, regulations, strict third-party verifications, alliances of companies and civil society are some of the necessary approaches to clean up the palm oil Read More...