From learning about the health benefits of turmeric to staying up-to-date with the latest superfood trends, discover the best diet tips to improve your health.
Here at The Optimist Daily, we regularly report on new findings about our incredible microbiome. Scientists keep uncovering more and more crucial roles these tiny microorganisms living in our gut play. From memory, to warding off chemotherapy side effects, to preventing brain damage in premature Read More...
When you exercise, you train your muscles and your cardiovascular system, and even improve your immune system. Did you know that when you regularly exercise you are also training your fat cells? A recent study from the University of Copenhagen shows that properly trained fat cells actually Read More...
You might be enjoying a cup of coffee while you read this. Many of us enjoy the ritual of a morning coffee or tea, a little pick-me-up to clear the fog from our morning brain. Caffeine perks you up, helps your heart, and, sure, gives you the jitters if you have too much, but did you know that it Read More...
It’s common knowledge in the emoji world that fruits and veggies (peaches and eggplants) have a sexy rep—but could the sexiness of plant-based foods translate to real life? The answer is yes. We’ve shared many stories about how eating more plants is better for the planet and our bodies, Read More...
It’s no secret that regular exercise is good for our health—physical, mental, and emotional. However, during the week our schedules can get pretty hectic, which leaves us hunched over our desks, visualizing all the work that’s piling up in our minds, all the while talking ourselves out of the Read More...
Every year the cold winter weather doesn’t only put frost on the grass, it also brings an increased chance of getting sick. And that’s even before our new friend coronavirus came along! In recent years, people have been putting in the effort to ensure their immune system is as healthy as Read More...
Here at The Optimist Daily, we’ve written a great deal about the contributing factors to Alzheimer's disease and what you can do to help avoid it yourself. Exercise, proper diet, even knitting, and nifty nasal sprays can improve your chances, but recent findings suggest that just keeping in Read More...
With winter in full swing, we’re all looking for an immune boost to get ourselves into fighting shape for spring. A food that is not only delicious but also incredible for your body is tropical and tangy pineapple. Interestingly, one piece starts out as individual berries, then merges together to Read More...
Mandala coloring is a centuries-old tradition. Coloring in these beautiful geometric configurations has been used by many as a technique for mindfulness, focusing your concentration on a certain task to improve overall mental health and wellbeing. Researchers, from the University of Lancaster, Read More...
If you thought it was better to take it easy after getting your vaccine, you may want to think again. In a new study published by Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, researchers found that up to 90 minutes of mild-to-moderate exercise soon after receiving a vaccine could provide you with additional Read More...