From learning about the health benefits of turmeric to staying up-to-date with the latest superfood trends, discover the best diet tips to improve your health.
Do you find yourself struggling with chronic aches and pains? There are a lot of contributing factors to any bodily discomfort we may feel during the day—for instance, whatever you do for work, whether it’s hours of manual labor or sitting hunched over a screen for extended periods will result Read More...
Are you feeling stressed lately? Perhaps part of the problem is your diet. Even if your diet isn’t the catalyst for your high stress levels, allowing your body to function at tip-top shape gives your hormones the chance to balance themselves out. Eating well isn’t impossible, but it certainly Read More...
Plant-based diets are becoming more popular for a number of factors—there are plenty of health benefits to going veggie or vegan, plus the planet would benefit from less demand for meat and animal byproducts as this industry is one of the biggest contributors to CO2 emissions. However, the Read More...
We’ve previously written about how to tell when your body needs a break from working out, but now we want to talk about the telltale signs that your body is craving some exercise. According to the experts, there are some signs that you can look out for that indicate that your body is in need Read More...
If you need another reason to adopt healthy hydration habits, look no further—according to research presented at a European Society of Cardiology last week, regular proper hydration helps stave off heart failure. Now, the keyword here is “regular,” which means reaching and maintaining good Read More...
Early detection is critical for successfully treating Alzheimer’s and dementia, but what if identifying the first noticeable symptoms is already too late for adequate treatment? An emerging field of research is looking for clues outside of traditional medical diagnosis to accelerate dementia Read More...
You might be aware of the mental health benefits of keeping a gratitude journal. But there’s also another, bite-sized practice that you can take up to improve your wellbeing: writing a self-compassion letter. According to Kristin Neff, an associate professor in human development at the Read More...
As a growing body of research shows that the simple daily practice of keeping a gratitude journal can significantly improve your wellbeing. But while it’s tempting to only write down the good things you enjoy in life, it's important to remind yourself of the more challenging stuff, too, by Read More...
Maintaining your reproductive health is about more than just going forth and multiplying. There are plenty of reasons why supporting reproductive health is important for your overall wellbeing. According to reproductive epidemiologist Shanna Swan, Ph.D., lifestyle factors such as what you consume Read More...
You’ve probably been told that cholesterol is bad for you, but in reality, the situation is a little more complex. Our bodies have two types of cholesterol: LDL, or bad cholesterol, and HDL, or good cholesterol. LDL is linked to cardiovascular health issues, but HDL can actually help remove LDL. Read More...