Finding good health news amidst a pandemic can be quite daunting. That’s not the case with The Optimist Daily, where positive news is in high supply. Our Health section covers the latest good news from the health sector, featuring solutions ranging from mental and physical health to immunity, nutrition, and cutting edge medical research.
From The Intelligent Optimist Magazine Summer 2016 The research of Mirko Beljanski, the “father of environmental medicine,” is getting the respect it deserves, 18 years after his death. By Janet Rae-Dupree When French officials order troops from the National Gendarmerie Intervention Group, or Read More...
From The Intelligent Optimist Magazine Fall/Winter 2016 Glyphosate is a ubiquitous weed-killer in modern industrial agriculture and may also be the “secret ingredient” in the current epidemic of chronic disease. You may not have heard of glyphosate, but you’ve definitely tasted it. Sold by Read More...
From The Intelligent Optimist Magazine Fall/Winter 2016 Air pollution is responsible for roughly 7 million deaths worldwide every year. Air-borne pollutants also cause heart disease, stroke, skin diseases, reduced fertility and miscarriage, and cancer. There’s a solution: Plants that clean the Read More...
From The Intelligent Optimist Magazine Fall/Winter 2016 Air pollution is responsible for roughly 7 million deaths worldwide every year. Air-borne pollutants also cause heart disease, stroke, skin diseases, reduced fertility and miscarriage, and cancer. There’s a solution: Plants that clean the Read More...
From The Optimist Magazine Fall/Winter 2016 If you find yourself confused about whether to drink eight glasses of water a day or twenty, chances are you’re overthinking it. There’s a perfect system that tells you when you need to drink: It’s called thirst. By KARIN KLEIN Dehydration has Read More...
Want an all-natural way to lift your mood, improve your memory, and protect your brain against age-related cognitive decline? Get moving. A wealth of recent research, including two new studies published this spring, suggests that any type of exercise that raises your heart rate and gets you Read More...
Possiblity From The Optimist Magazine Summer 2014 In 2011 Ben Simon, then a student at University of Maryland, noticed that his school was wasting massive amounts of food, with one dining hall throwing out between 100 and 200 pounds of leftovers every day. Simon started taking the leftover food to Read More...
Possibility From The Optimist Magazine Summer 2014 When it comes to avoiding heart attacks, new studies suggest the best medicine might be music, prayer, and just having someone to talk to. “Coronary heart disease is not just physical but also has a psychological component,” says Zoi Read More...
Possibility From The Optimist Magazine Summer 2014 “We will once again give you the facts that show that our secretary of health, Adonis Georgiadis, is lying systematically and shamelessly.” This statement is flaunted on the home page of the Metropolitan Community Clinic, in Athens. Read More...
From The Optimist Magazine Summer 2014 Time to celebrate the asparagus. A fear of hunger is lodged in human beings’ DNA. So it’s logical that creating nonperishable foods was a crucial priority as we evolved. We’re so good at it that today we can eat whatever we want, any time of year. But Read More...