Finding good health news amidst a pandemic can be quite daunting. That’s not the case with The Optimist Daily, where positive news is in high supply. Our Health section covers the latest good news from the health sector, featuring solutions ranging from mental and physical health to immunity, nutrition, and cutting edge medical research.
More and more studies show the vital importance of vitamin D. It help to prevent arthritis, diabetes, and cancer; and it reduces inflammation. A new study links vitamin D to aging. Adequate levels of vitamin D are linked to an extended lifespan. Make sure you get enough sun and/or take vitamin D Read More...
Placebos can't cure diseases, but research suggests that they seem to bring some people relief from subjective symptoms, such as pain, nausea, anxiety and fatigue. But there's a reason your doctor isn't giving you a sugar pill and telling you it's a new wonder drug. The thinking has been that you Read More...
There are many hidden costs to human health and the natural environment related to the use of fossil fuels. That’s why renewable energy advocates have long argued that fossil fuels are not cheaper than clean energy. Now that solar and wind energy are beginning to beat oil, gas, and coal, more Read More...
In the summer of 2005, Jeffrey Karp, a bioengineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was working late one night when he spotted a journal article on a colleague’s desk. What caught his eye was not the text itself, but the full-page colour illustration of Spider-Man that Read More...
If you’re a traveling vegetarian, you may want to check out this guide to veggie-friendly cities in the U.S. You could probably guess that cities like Portland, New York City and San Francisco stand near the top of the list of most veggie-friendly cities, but did you know Santa Fe, New Mexico had Read More...
By now, most of us know that October is a month to raise awareness about breast cancer. Since only 10 percent of breast cancer cases are genetic, a huge part of this conversation revolves around cancer prevention through environment and lifestyle adjustments. We can't control everything, but we can Read More...
More than 11 million Americans currently practice yoga, according to the American Council on Exercise. Back in 2010, a comparative analysis study from researchers at the University of Maryland School of Nursing concluded that yoga may be as effective as, or even better than, exercise when it comes Read More...
Africa’s air pollution is causing more premature deaths than unsafe water or childhood malnutrition, and could develop into a health and climate crisis reminiscent of those seen in China and India, a study by a global policy forum has found. The first major attempt to calculate both the human Read More...
Your gut is telling you something. Listen! In modern Western society, say the word “bacteria” and alarm bells go off. Germs! Disease! Danger! Modern society seems bent on viewing the microbial world with a combination of fear and disgust. The truth is, though, for the most part, Read More...
Algorithms are everywhere these days. They can refine our web searches and help us decide what show we should binge on next or controversially used to determine who is most likely to become a criminal. Algorithms can also be harnessed to more effectively plant a field with diverse Read More...