Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025


Finding good health news amidst a pandemic can be quite daunting. That’s not the case with The Optimist Daily, where positive news is in high supply. Our Health section covers the latest good news from the health sector, featuring solutions ranging from mental and physical health to immunity, nutrition, and cutting edge medical research.

LSD-like drugs are coming out

LSD-like drugs are coming out of exile

Psychedelic drugs, like LSD, are not addictive and they have been used with success in treating mental disorders. They may even provide a better understanding of consciousness. Yet, they were outlawed nearly half a century ago. But in recent years, there are increasing signs that hallucinogens may Read More...

Omega-3 lowers childhood aggre

Omega-3 lowers childhood aggression and anti-social behavior

Adding omega-3 fatty acids to the diets of children with extreme aggression reduces their anti-social behavior. A new study confirms the same “you are what you eat” findings that The Optimist has regularly reported on. The study shows how modern convenience food has a negative impact on brain Read More...

More governments around the wo

More governments around the world are moving to accept natural medicine: Could this be the beginning of a healthy future?

In Switzerland, health insurance plans are on the cusp of covering homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, holistic care and traditional Chinese medicine. In 2009, two-thirds of the Swiss spoke out in favor of incorporating these important and long suppressed healthcare strategies into their Read More...

The real value of urban farmin

The real value of urban farming is about more than food

During World War II, millions of Americans grew food in their backyards, eventually supplying a hungry nation with 40 percent of its fruits and vegetables. Urban farming is making a comeback today. It is proposed as the solution for "food deserts" in poor neighborhoods and cities have set up Read More...

The planet’s health is e

The planet's health is essential to prevent infectious disease

The Zika virus, now detected in 42 countries, is only the latest in a series of diseases establishing a new normal for pandemics. Sars ravaged South China in 2003, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) shocked the Middle East in 2012, and Ebola devastated west Africa in 2014. We have seen avian Read More...

Can a Craigslist for cucumbers

Can a Craigslist for cucumbers tackle the UK's food waste?

Where most people see a bruised banana, Saasha Celestial-One and Tessa Cook see a chance to share. Their new app, Olio, allows greengrocers, cafes, restaurants and neighbours to photograph and post food that is surplus, unappealing or close to expiry; other app users then request it and are Read More...

Mighty mealworms: Solution for

Mighty mealworms: Solution for food insecurity, pollution

Science News from research organizations Date: Source: Wake Forest University Summary: Can mealworms be used to solve two global problems? Researchers suggest that yes: for food sustainability and plastic pollution. Share: FULL STORY Biology students at Wake Forest University are using mealworms to Read More...

How algae could save plants fr

How algae could save plants from themselves

Algae may hold the key to feeding the world's burgeoning population. Don't worry; no one is going to make you eat them. But because they are more efficient than most plants at taking in carbon dioxide from the air, algae could transform agriculture. If their efficiency could be transferred to Read More...

At this free food festival, al

At this free food festival, all the ingredients are food waste

At the Feeding the 5000 food festival in New York City, the first thing people walking by may notice is that all the food is free. It isn't obvious, though, that all the offerings are made from food waste. A torte is made with trimmings and peelings from a food distributor; a "quick pickle salad" Read More...

Food justice requires more tha

Food justice requires more than free markets

One in six Americans—residents of the most affluent country on the planet—don't have enough to eat. And many Black and Latino neighborhoods are often left practically devoid of fresh produce but flooded with fast food restaurants that contribute to high rates of obesity, diabetes and thyroid Read More...