Today’s Solutions: January 10, 2025


Finding good health news amidst a pandemic can be quite daunting. That’s not the case with The Optimist Daily, where positive news is in high supply. Our Health section covers the latest good news from the health sector, featuring solutions ranging from mental and physical health to immunity, nutrition, and cutting edge medical research.

Most nutritious fruits and veg

Most nutritious fruits and veggies ranked, see who’s number 1

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a study, called Defining Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables: A Nutrient Density Approach, that examined and ranked 47 fruits and vegetables– only 41 made it on the list. The rankings were based on how nutritious each food is. The study looked Read More...

Mind-body medicine is fundamen

Mind-body medicine is fundamental

When asked what role mind-body medicine plays in maintaining our mental and physical well-being, the response from Dr. James Gordon is unequivocal: “Fundamental!” “I think [mind-body medicine] is still regarded as a complementary therapy,” he said during a recent visit to San Francisco, Read More...

Standing meetings spur more cr

Standing meetings spur more creativity, yield better results

A new study conducted by researchers at University of Washington found that meetings conducted in rooms without chairs were more creative than meeting conducted in rooms where people were sitting. The study gave various teams 30 minutes to come up with a new university recruitment video, some teams Read More...

Mind-body medicine is fundamen

Mind-body medicine is fundamental

When asked what role mind-body medicine plays in maintaining our mental and physical well-being, the response from Dr. James Gordon is unequivocal: “Fundamental!” “I think [mind-body medicine] is still regarded as a complementary therapy,” he said during a recent visit to San Francisco, Read More...

How to cook for one person and

How to cook for one person and not waste a thing

In more ways than one, the US is extremely wasteful, with food in particular. Americans throw out 40% of food that is produced in the country, but when you live alone, which 27% of households do, it can be extremely difficult to eat everything you buy. Food waste in a landfill is even worse than Read More...

Acupuncture for allergies– 7

Acupuncture for allergies– 71% of patients say it works

It’s allergy season, and the best way to combat allergies might be with acupuncture. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine by German researchers took 422 allergy sufferers and broke them into three groups. The first group received acupuncture treatments and an antihistamine, the Read More...

Scientists are continuing to l

Scientists are continuing to learn more about the collection of microorganisms that live in and on our bodies.

Scientists are continuing to learn more about the collection of microorganisms that live in and on our bodies: our micro-biome. The Dutch science journalist Jop de Vrieze wrote a book about it: Allemaal Beestjes (All kinds of critters). The Dutch team at The Intelligent Optimist collected nine Read More...

Research says 6000 steps per d

Research says 6000 steps per day for exercise prevents mobility loss. Every 1000 extra steps adds over 15% to reduction.

The best way to prevent knee arthritis is through exercise, particularly walking. According to a recent study published in Arthritis Care and Research, the commonly cited 10,000 steps per day suggested to prevent arthritis is excessive, and 6,000 steps a day will do. While walking the extra 4,000 Read More...

What you don’t know about th

What you don’t know about the microorganisms in your body

Scientists are continuing to learn more about the collection of microorganisms that live in and on our bodies: our micro-biome. The Dutch science journalist Jop de Vrieze wrote a book about it: Allemaal Beestjes (All kinds of critters). The Dutch team at The Intelligent Optimist collected nine Read More...

Cynical distrust can lead to d

Cynical distrust can lead to dementia, study shows

A new study from University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio has found that cynical distrust– thinking that people’s actions are motivated by selfish means, could cause dementia later in life. “We are not born cynical, but our personality is something that develops during our lifetime,” Read More...