From creative interior design tricks that can improve your wellbeing to strategic plant arrangements that help you reap the most benefits from your leafy friends, this is the place to find everything you need to know to make your house feel like a home.
Hiking in nature is good for the mind, body, and soul. Most of the time it’s free, plus it encourages conversation, builds memories, strengthens your connection with nature, and during this pandemic era, is one of the safer activities you can do with other people. All of these factors make Read More...
“Our house is still on fire. Your inaction is fueling the flames by the hour.” – Greta Thunberg Our house is on fire, so how do we build in the face of disaster? Climate change is both an immediate and impending crisis: Under current conditions, we’re bound for 1000-year floods and Read More...
Thanks to modern technology, the world, though still so vast, has for many become smaller. Thanks to these advances, you can wake up in Greece and have lunch in France. You can be backpacking in Thailand but have a videoconference with your parents in Boston. However, for these past 20 or so Read More...
We all want to use less plastic in our lives, but visit any grocery store and you will quickly realize that even the simple act of feeding our families is difficult to do without plastic. To help you in your sustainability endeavors, we’ve got a guide to making kitchen staples at home and avoid Read More...
Dara McAnulty has been fascinated with the natural world since he was a young child. From exploring the rugged coastlines of Northern Ireland to observing moths in his own backyard, there is nothing in nature that doesn’t intrigue him. In a New York Times profile, McAnulty explains that he Read More...
The years of hard work and sacrifice have paid off—your children have spread their wings and have left the nest to take their places as independent, functioning members of society. Even though this achievement should be celebrated, it can be challenging to transition from full-time parent to Read More...
Weeks after Canadian basketball star and nursing mother Kim Gaucher vocalized concern regarding the policy banning all family members from attending the Olympics in Tokyo this summer, the Olympic committee has adjusted their regulations to allow nursing children to also attend the Read More...
A zero-waste kitchen is every eco enthusiast's dream. But, as many of us might know by now, leaving no waste behind when cooking is a daunting, if not seemingly impossible, task. In an effort to make things easier, designer Ivana Steiner has created a sustainable kitchen — made of recycled Read More...
We’re soaking up the last of summer and for many of us, that means sneaking in some end-of-season barbecues and cookouts. Grilling isn’t the healthiest way to prepare food, but avoiding these common pitfalls can help make your grilled meal as healthy as possible. Not cleaning your grill Is Read More...
We at The Optimist Daily are big fans of lifestyle changes that contribute towards slashing greenhouse gas emissions and offer a sense of autonomy in creating a greener future. We’ve written at length about the benefits of shifting towards a plant-based lifestyle and reducing personal waste and Read More...