Alongside taking care of other people and the planet, make sure you take good care of yourself. The Lifestyle section at the Optimist Daily has solutions for everyday wellbeing on topics like food, beauty, fashion, and the latest trends. Curious about caring for houseplants, eating plant-based, or parenting tips? It’s all in there.
As the weather begins to cool down, you’ll probably find yourself catching at least one winter cold. A sore throat can be an uncomfortable and irritating side effect of a winter bug, but what you eat can actually really impact how your sore throat feels throughout the day. With that said, here's Read More...
Running is a great cardiovascular workout, but launching into a running routine requires some preparation to avoid injury and frustration. Here are nine common pitfalls of beginner runners and how to avoid them. Running is your only workout Running is great for you, but it shouldn’t be your Read More...
You probably know that exercise boosts brain function, but did you know that exercise can literally change the structure of our brains? Although these structural changes may not be visible to us, they can help us protect and preserve brain health and function throughout our Read More...
Pinchy the lobster is an extraordinary creature that was saved from a very ordinary fate. Unlike other lobsters, Pinchy boasts a bright orange shell that contrasts starkly against its cool colored peers. It sat in the tank amongst other lobsters for two weeks at a grocery store in Ontario’s Read More...
We can probably all relate to the feeling of our unhappy gut letting us know very clearly that it does not approve of what we’ve been eating that day. Caring for your digestive tract isn’t just something you can check off your to-do list. It’s an ongoing process that we can continue to Read More...
Self-compassion is a critical component of mental health, but in a world where we are often our own harshest critics, this can be difficult. Keeping some compassion-centered phrases on hand will make it easier to shift your perspective when you catch yourself being too harsh. Here are 10 from Read More...
It’s that time of year again. Fat bear week is upon us and this year’s candidates do not disappoint. The National Parks Service has put together their collection of the chunkiest bears from Brooks River, Alaska. Katmai National Park and Preserve has partnered with to allow us to Read More...
All the signs are there: the leaves are turning from green to magnificent shades of gold and red, the aroma of pumpkin spice lattes perfumes the air, and there’s a chill in the breeze that persuades you to reach for your comfiest cable-knit sweater. This could mean only one thing—it’s time to Read More...
The pandemic has placed unparalleled stress on many people’s mental health. If self-care solutions aren’t doing the trick, it may be time to consider seeing a therapist to get professional advice on what you’re going through. It can take a few tries to find a therapist that works for you, but Read More...
Expensive gear, remote locations, and limited transportation options make outdoor exploration inaccessible to many communities. Phil Henderson recognizes that the world of outdoor adventure is lacking diverse representation and plans to push change in the industry by leading the first-ever Read More...