Alongside taking care of other people and the planet, make sure you take good care of yourself. The Lifestyle section at the Optimist Daily has solutions for everyday wellbeing on topics like food, beauty, fashion, and the latest trends. Curious about caring for houseplants, eating plant-based, or parenting tips? It’s all in there.
A clothing company has manufactured a type of pants that are expected to last as long as 100 years. The pants are made from an innovative, three-layer material, which is resistant to abrasions, fire, and is also water-repellent. If their cost of $645 seems like a fortune for a pair of pants, keep Read More...
We don’t like to hurt. Why would we? Hurting… well, Read More...
Just when I thought my amazement with Pope Francis had run its course, he did it again. In a long interview with an old friend who was writing for an Argentine magazine, the pope put forward a 10-point plan for happiness. From where I sit, it seems, well, pretty damn good if not perfect. Here are Read More...
Though an attractive destination for students and businesses from all over the world, the Netherlands’ second biggest city is suffering a housing crisis. In an effort to solve this issue, Rotterdam is going big on temporary homes with a new promise to start the construction and installation of Read More...
There is a large number of corruption cases involving charitable organizations with some of the money never making it to those in need. Blockchain technology can come to the rescue here as it allows most processes to become radically transparent: from spending and money transfers to supply chains Read More...
The Big Issue, a street newspaper sold by the homeless in the U.K. and other countries, is launching a blockchain-driven platform to promote impact investing. Three investment companies — UK Standard Life Aberdeen, U.S. Columbia Threadneedle, and AllianceBernstein — will join The Big Read More...
Synthetic perfumes can be extremely irritating if you have a sensitive skin or are prone to allergic reactions to their chemical ingredients. Luckily, there are companies that offer organic alternatives to the conventional perfume bottle. Their fragrances are free of harsh chemicals, rely entirely Read More...
Chris Day’s first Twitter post was fairly standard. “It feels good to tweet,” he wrote. He got two likes. A week later he posted a second time, about a legal challenge to protect junior doctors’ whistleblowing rights. Hundreds of people retweeted it. Soon, he marshaled an “army” of Read More...
Synthetic perfumes can be extremely irritating if you have a sensitive skin or are prone to allergic reactions to their chemical ingredients. Luckily, there are companies that offer organic alternatives to the conventional perfume bottle. Their fragrances are free of harsh chemicals, rely entirely Read More...
Most people’s expectations hold that frugality and selfishness are key components of a financially successful life. However, a new study proves the contrary. Research conducted on more than 60,000 people from the US and Europe observed that those who showed an interest and engaged more in Read More...