Today’s Solutions: March 06, 2025


Alongside taking care of other people and the planet, make sure you take good care of yourself. The Lifestyle section at the Optimist Daily has solutions for everyday wellbeing on topics like food, beauty, fashion, and the latest trends. Curious about caring for houseplants, eating plant-based, or parenting tips? It’s all in there.

Black men arrested at Starbuck

Black men arrested at Starbucks settle for $200,000 for young entrepreneurs

Donte Robinson and Rashon Nelson have now settled with the city of Philadelphia after they were arrested at a local Starbucks for sitting in the cafe without ordering anything. The April 12th incident reminded many just how much racial profiling is alive in America. But the two men have announced Read More...

This 75-Year Harvard study sho

This 75-Year Harvard study shows how to have lifetime joy

For over 75 years, Harvard’s Grant and Glueck study has tracked the physical and emotional health of two groups: 456 poor people in Boston from 1939 to 2014 (the Grant Study) and 268 graduates from Harvard’s classes of 1939–1944 (the Glueck study). After following these groups and testing Read More...

This nonprofit feeds the homel

This nonprofit feeds the homeless and provides job training at the same time

A nonprofit in the Bay Area is taking a whole new approach to helping the homeless. Instead of creating a soup kitchen where only those who are very poor come to eat, the nonprofit is creating pop-up dinners where the homeless prepare amazing meals with renowned chefs. Amongst those dining at these Read More...

The ultimate guide to making n

The ultimate guide to making new friends as an adult

Making friends as an adult can be much trickier than it is as a child. The research backs this claim up. According to one study, more than 9 million adults in the UK are often or always lonely. If you are feeling lonely or just want to make some new friends, here’s an easy guide to making new Read More...

Why kids should learn mindfuln

Why kids should learn mindfulness before getting a smartphone

For the past decade, teens have navigated the most tumultuous period of their lives with a smartphone in their hand. We know the power of connectivity can be liberating, especially in adolescence. We also know how our craving for that connection often leaves us longing for more—incomplete without Read More...

Bad habits you must immediatel

Bad habits you must immediately break to improve your life in the next 100 days

Habits define us. And nothing sabotages your creativity and productive life quite like bad habits. In the words of Samuel Johnson “The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be Read More...

This app helps pay off your cr

This app helps pay off your credit card debt for you

The automatic mobile app Digit is a service that saves money for you once connected to your checking account. Instead of setting a finite amount that is withdrawn on regular schedule, it learns when your bills are due, looks at your spending habits, and then only withdraws cash when it thinks you Read More...

Study: Inclusivity builds a ci

Study: Inclusivity builds a city both relationally and economically

A new, in-depth analysis by the Urban Institute of the largest 274 cities in America found that the ten cities faring best in terms of “inclusion” were also the cities flourishing economically. The analysis displayed that the more inclusive a city was, the more likely the ability of low-income Read More...

These smartphone apps will cal

These smartphone apps will calm your mind and help you fall asleep

It may sound counterintuitive, but the technology that surrounds and distracts also gives us plentiful tools to help ease ourselves into sleep. If you’ve been having trouble falling asleep, here are a few apps that may help you get a good night’s Read More...

Automatic savings app Digit ca

Automatic savings app Digit can now pay off credit card debt for you

Automatic savings mobile app Digit is expanding its services, adding the option to let users pay off credit card debt with money in their Digit account. To try out the new feature, called Digit Pay, users create a “credit card debt” goal in the Digit app settings, then activate the service. Read More...