Alongside taking care of other people and the planet, make sure you take good care of yourself. The Lifestyle section at the Optimist Daily has solutions for everyday wellbeing on topics like food, beauty, fashion, and the latest trends. Curious about caring for houseplants, eating plant-based, or parenting tips? It’s all in there.
It’s worth thinking about that promise to ‘pay the bearer on demand the sum of ten pounds’. When we parse it, it’s not clear what it means. Ten pounds of what? We’ve already got ten pounds. That’s exactly what we’re holding in our hand. It doesn’t mean, pay the bearer on demand ten Read More...
Non-profit ‘New Roots for Refugees’ found an inventive way to integrate refugees in Kansas through an education program in farming. Many of the refugees, mostly from Myanmar and Bhutan, were farmers in their home countries, but they are not used to the climate, crops and soils in Kansas. New Read More...
On many fronts people feel the urge to change their lives--so why don't they succeed? We live in therapeutic times. Advice surrounds us about achieving success. Yet when we set our minds to do something seemingly simple--losing weight, giving up a bad habit, acting nicer to people, and so Read More...
The Shepard family discovered when son Maddox was 2 that he had leukemia Maddox's mom, Geri, was diagnosed with breast cancer two years later St. Baldrick's, a nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness for childhood cancer, helped them connect with other families (CNN)In June 2009, Brad and Geri Read More...
Experts of all kinds take to YouTube to share their wisdom. From makeup to video games, viewers can find coaches on virtually any topic. Meditation and spiritual practices are available in video form for viewers to follow for free on YouTube. While it may be counterintuitive to look to the Internet Read More...
Language barriers and societal differences certainly make the integration of refugees a challenge for cities, but it is more than possible. Just take a look at Marburg, a German town pioneering a model to connect incoming refugees job that stabilize their lives. Marburg has a job center unlike any Read More...
Taxes are due, students are prepping for finals, and the sunny days of summer are still a dream away. Your days are filled with stress! There’s gotta be an app for that. Good news: We’ve found some apps to help you unwind. Load up your devices with these tools for mediation, mindfulness, and Read More...
So, bricks. How much time have you ever spent thinking about bricks? Unless you’ve built your own house, I’m guessing the subject has hardly ever crossed your mind. This means that you’d probably be somewhat surprised to find out that bricks are used in over 80 percent of global construction. Read More...
The US may be the leader of the western world, it’s the only developed country that doesn’t guarantee paid maternity or parental leave to workers. Now San Francisco has become the first US municipality to mandate that employers offer fully paid parental leave, and activists hope the Read More...
The British government has pushed through its first licensing of a virtual currency company, underscoring its desire to make London a hub for the development of financial technology. The Financial Conduct Authority, Britain’s top financial regulator, has granted an electronic money license to Read More...