Alongside taking care of other people and the planet, make sure you take good care of yourself. The Lifestyle section at the Optimist Daily has solutions for everyday wellbeing on topics like food, beauty, fashion, and the latest trends. Curious about caring for houseplants, eating plant-based, or parenting tips? It’s all in there.
Okay, so you finally decided to quit your job because you know you deserve a better fit to build the kind of life you want and are now on the hunt to find that perfect gig. However, identifying what kind of job seems like a daunting task. We spend so much of our life at work, so you want to be Read More...
Here at The Optimist Daily, we’ve written a great deal about the contributing factors to Alzheimer's disease and what you can do to help avoid it yourself. Exercise, proper diet, even knitting, and nifty nasal sprays can improve your chances, but recent findings suggest that just keeping in Read More...
We’ve all been there: stepped up to do an important presentation or phone call and the words come bumbling out of our mouths in the wrong order or sometimes not at all. These situations can leave us embarrassed and cringing, even though everyone experiences them. New research, from Georgia Read More...
Does the climate catastrophe that we find ourselves in herald the end of ski resorts? Visiting the slopes for a weekend of skiing and snowboarding is now tinged with the guilt of all the environmental damage that goes along with it. Between the short-haul, carbon-emitting flights many skiers Read More...
With winter in full swing, we’re all looking for an immune boost to get ourselves into fighting shape for spring. A food that is not only delicious but also incredible for your body is tropical and tangy pineapple. Interestingly, one piece starts out as individual berries, then merges together to Read More...
Our society is set up in a way which encourages monogamy. This arrangement makes a lot of sense for some people, but definitely doesn’t always work for everyone. What is a non-monogamous relationship? A non-monogamous relationship is one in which anyone involved has multiple consensual Read More...
While it’s tempting to think that the air inside your house or office is clean, the truth is quite the opposite. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside the average home is up to five times more polluted than the air outside. That’s an alarming fact, especially Read More...
You always have a choice to empower your and your partner’s hearts to synergistic action, or not. And so does your partner. In moments when things are feeling out of sync, we can sometimes lose hope that we can ever find the trust and balance that we once shared. When you realize you always Read More...
Love can be passionate and romantic, throwing you off balance in delightful ways. It can be soft and subtle, welcoming as a balmy summer evening. The shared intimacies, humor, and kindnesses can become touchstones in times of disruption: a salve after a day spent wrestling obligations or a couple Read More...
Conversion therapy is the damaging and degrading practice that attempts to change a person’s sexual identity or gender identity, based on the idea that an individual’s sexual orientation is something that needs to be “cured.” Late last year, we shared an article celebrating Canada’s Read More...