Today’s Solutions: March 17, 2025


Learn about how you can achieve a better work-life balance, and check out the latest news about the world of work, including advancements on ideas like the four-day work week and universal basic income.

10 ways to protect your mental

10 ways to protect your mental health following job loss: a therapist's guide

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM Losing a job can be a shock to the system, affecting not only your income but also your mental health. It is normal to feel stressed, but it is critical to prioritize your mental health during this time. Michelle P. Maidenberg, PhD, LCSW-R, discusses how to Read More...

Better jobs and higher wages f

Better jobs and higher wages for Goodwill's unique high school for dropouts

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM When Goodwill of Central and Southern Indiana realized that many of the people in its job-training programs lacked a high school diploma, it recognized a chance to make a lasting difference in its community. Rather than focusing simply on job training, Read More...

5 ways to be a true ally to La

5 ways to be a true ally to Latines in the workplace 

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15 to October 15, celebrates Latines' significant cultural contributions in the United States. However, it also is an opportunity to address the problems that Latines confront in the workplace. Despite being Read More...

Australia grants employees the

Australia grants employees the right to disconnect after hours

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM In a big step toward protecting workers' personal time, Australia has passed a new law granting employees the "right to disconnect" from work after hours. This policy, which went into effect for the majority of workers this past Monday, permits Australians Read More...

Puerto Rico bans hair discrimi

Puerto Rico bans hair discrimination in a victory for cultural heritage and anti-racism

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM Puerto Rico recently approved legislation forbidding discrimination against natural hair and protective hairstyles in both public and private organizations, marking a significant step forward in the fight against racial discrimination. Governor Pedro Read More...

How to revive your work mojo

How to revive your work mojo after a vacation

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM Your summer vacation was pure bliss: sunny beach mornings, spontaneous ice cream stops, and afternoons spent buried in a good book. But now you're back at your desk, drowning in Slack messages and emails, and the vacation glow is swiftly fading. The Read More...

Recovering from work stress:

Recovering from work stress: science-based strategies for a balanced life

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM It goes without saying: the modern workforce is exhausted. With only 32 percent of employees worldwide thriving and 43 percent enduring severe levels of everyday stress, the risk of burnout is major. In the United States, up to 61 percent of professionals Read More...

How to land your dream job (e

How to land your dream job (even if you don't have much experience)

So you've found your dream job, but the job description appears to be written for someone with a long list of skills and experience that you don't have. It's easy to become discouraged in such circumstances. However, don't let this dissuade you. As Jason Patel, founder of Transizion, emphasizes, Read More...

5 essential work skills to enh

5 essential work skills to enhance your resume in 2024

In a world where talents are valued above all else, how we approach job searching and resume writing is changing dramatically. As we approach 2024, the focus is squarely on skills-based hiring—a game-changer that is leveling the playing field for job applicants and changing the talent acquisition Read More...

Formerly homeless guides offer

Formerly homeless guides offer unique experiences of iconic cities

In cities across the world, the streets tell stories—stories of triumph over adversity, resilience, and transformation. Invisible Cities, a breakthrough organization, transforms these stories into one-of-a-kind walking tours conducted by former homeless guides. Let's look at the transforming Read More...