Learn about how you can achieve a better work-life balance, and check out the latest news about the world of work, including advancements on ideas like the four-day work week and universal basic income.
Suppose you, like many others these days, are re-evaluating your priorities and looking to make changes in your professional life. This may mean that you are applying for new jobs and if all goes well, will soon be facing an interview for an exciting new job. At the end of the interview, many Read More...
Have you ever tried a detox? Maybe you gave up TV for a month or sugar. Why not challenge yourself to try a “brain detox.” Created by neurologist David Perlmutter, this 10-day plan will help you reset your brain and set you on the path to reclaiming your life. Day 1: Digital detox You Read More...
TopResume's recent hiring survey found a pandemic-inspired work trend that will persist into the new year: virtual interviews. Five major slip-ups emerged when hiring managers were asked to name the biggest mistakes an applicant could commit during a video conference. Fortunately, with proper Read More...
As useful as traditional goal setting can be, these days, there may be more effective ways to handle your professional and personal life. The rapidity of technological advancement and the uncertainty of the global economy may render the goals you set obsolete. With everything shifting so Read More...
According to a survey of participants published last Wednesday, the majority of the companies taking part in a four-day workweek pilot program in Britain stated they experienced no productivity loss throughout the experiment—and, that in some cases, productivity was improved. According to Jack Read More...
Traditionally, resumés highlight the roles that a job candidate has held in the past, listing them out in chronological order, complete with descriptions of the responsibilities and the results delivered. While experience remains a big factor in the minds of hiring managers, a largely Read More...
There is tremendous economic potential in the transition to a renewable energy future, but detailed descriptions of what these green jobs will look like aren’t always available. We’ve talked about the job potential for renovating old oil and gas fields, but today we share a guide from Grist on Read More...
In almost every corner of the world, coming together and sharing a meal is one of the most communal and binding traditions. As we have already reported, food is a wonderful way to bring people together; to forge friendships, exercise your creativity, and even save money while having an enjoyable Read More...
“At first, I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realize I am fighting for humanity.” - Chico Mendes, Brazilian environmentalist July 28 is World Nature Conservation Day. In honor of this, we're happy to offer Read More...
Coffee is good. Almost too good. The energy kick from coffee can be so good that you start drinking too much of it, and that can come with some unpleasant side effects. Too much caffeine has been linked with depression and anxiety. Plus, the amount of sugar that many people consume with their Read More...