Today’s Solutions: January 19, 2025


Welcome to the hydrogen age

Welcome to the hydrogen age

Hydrogen fuel cells will never be a practical source of power, right? Wrong. The technology is set to take off sooner than you think. Jerry Brown, Rinaldo Brutoco and James Cusumano | October 2007 issue You may think hydrogen power is some futuristic fantasy, fit only for science-fiction writers. Read More...

First, do no harm

First, do no harm

Hospitals are surprisingly unhealthy places. But some are making bold changes to help people heal. Kim Ridley | October 2007 issue The minute you’re admitted into the hospital, you confront a disturbing paradox: Most hospitals aren’t particularly healthy places. As a patient, you’re likely to Read More...

The real secret

The real secret

Hit films like The Secret serve up a strange mix of New Age nostrums and quantum physics. Yet do they really understand what science and spirituality are all about, asks a prominent physicist? Peter Russell | October 2007 issue You create your own reality. Just “think positive,” and you’ll Read More...

Life on the inside

Life on the inside

A bold project at San Quentin teaches prisoners to confront the feelings that drove them to crime. Tijn Touber and Helene de Puy | October 2007 issue When she comes in, the room is full of prisoners—many of them doing time for murder, many already having served 25 years or more. She’s very Read More...

From Viagra to steroids

From Viagra to steroids

Condemning drugs in sports is hypocritical. Marco Visscher | October 2007 issue Baseball player Barry Bonds, who broke the major-league home-run record this summer, is said to have used steroids and amphetamines, and so fans usually jeer when he enters a stadium. Sports and artificial Read More...

You know more than you think

You know more than you think

A new study shows your body has a mind of its own. David Servan-Schreiber | October 2007 issue Jackie is about to step into an elevator she thought was empty. A man she doesn’t recognize is in it. He looks at her with an overly eager smile. “Getting in?” he asks. She feels her stomach Read More...

Feed Your Brain

Feed Your Brain

A diet rich in vitamin, minerals and fatty acids can help reduce aggression, improve mood and prevent depression. So why aren't more people taking omega-3 capsules? Jurriaan Kamp | September 2007 issue The best way to curb aggression in prisons? Longer jail terms, maybe, or stricter security Read More...

This postman always thinks gre

This postman always thinks green

Peter Bakker, CEO of the European express delivery company TNT, traded in his Porsche and aims to inspire his company - and his employees - to tackle climate change. Max Christern | September 2007 issue That was a huge step for a confirmed auto aficionado: trading in his sleek Porsche for a Toyota Read More...

The second coming of solar pow

The second coming of solar power

More than just an environmental breakthrough, a new generation of photovoltaics can improve life in remote communities. Craig Cox| September 2007 issue For 40 years, scientists and environmental activists alike have been eagerly awaiting the dawn of the solar age, a time when humans could finally Read More...

Signor Slow

Signor Slow

Ode dines with Carlo Petrini, founder of the Slow Food movement, who believes pleasure can save the world. Marco Visscher| September 2007 issue This is no ordinary chicken on the table. Two days earlier it was stuffed with fresh herbs and then cooked in a wood-fired oven for a half-hour and left to Read More...