From advancements in the fight against malaria to new cancer treatments, to novel medical technologies, find all positive news about incredible medical breakthroughs and life-saving technology from all corners of the globe.
Scientists from Switzerland and the US were able to achieve something miraculous—some might even say Biblical: bringing dead human cells back to life! The team published a study that opens by defining death as the irreversible cessation of circulatory, respiratory, or brain activity. The paper Read More...
Joining France, New Zealand, and Canada, Greece announced last Wednesday that it is officially banning conversion therapy, the harmful practice of attempting to suppress the sexual orientation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans community members. Parliament approved the bill, which states Read More...
While some governments seek to limit women's access to safe abortions, there are some in the developed world aiming to do just the opposite and even go a step or two further. The Spanish government is poised to approve proposed legislation that will allow women who suffer from severe period Read More...
At The Optimist Daily, the magical power of mushrooms and, particularly, their psychedelic therapeutic benefits are things we cannot stop writing about. From adaptogen compounds to the forest neural networks they offer, we love everything mycelia. That’s why we were happy to hear about the Read More...
Most of us remember mood rings, right? Purple meant happy, and black meant stressed and every color in between was every mood in between. Some, even physiologists, believe there is some accuracy to this, corresponding to the temperature of one’s body depending on their mood, but what if there was Read More...
With age comes grace and knowledge. We recently wrote an article with a wonderful quote from Betty Friedan: “Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” However, the downside of aging is the range of health issues that come with it. Our evolutionary purpose on this Read More...
So much of our health relies on what we eat. In the last decade, researchers have found several foods and diets that help to stave off serious diseases. For instance, one can greatly reduce their risk of heart disease by adhering to a Mediterranean diet. The risk of cancer in particular can be Read More...
Sudden infant death syndrome, also known as SIDS is a leading cause of infant death. It goes without saying that the death of a baby is a devastating event, and is made even worse when experts are unable to identify any kind of physiological factor that might make babies even more Read More...
Before corona came along, tuberculosis (TB) was the world’s deadliest infectious disease in humans. The contagious virus infects the lungs and spreads to other parts of the body - like the brain and spine - causing severe organ damage. However, this doesn’t stop at humans. TB affects multiple Read More...
Oscar Wilde famously said that “The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.” While he was a literary and dramatic genius, Oscar Wilde didn’t live in the age of the Opioid Epidemic, and, in this day and age, it seems like the best way to get rid of temptation is just to get Read More...