Make the most out of your life by becoming a spiritual elder Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | May 2006 issue I was approaching my 60th birthday, and a feeling of futility had invaded my soul, plunging me into a state of depression that no amount of busyness or diversion could dispel. On the surface, I Read More...
Physical decline may be inevitable but there's plenty you can do to stay vital and healthy Andrew Weil | May 2006 issue In 2002, I turned 60. To help celebrate the occasion, friends organized a surprise party for me. After the festivities, I took some time to reflect, and I came to an uncomfortable Read More...
Lending a hand on organic farms in exchange for room and board is a great way to meet real people around the world. English writer Kathryn Good discovered this in Australia as she weeded vegetable patches and bottle-fed baby goats in order to forget about a boy back home. Kathryn Good | May 2006 Read More...
And ten other tips for a great old age Andrew Weil | May 2006 issue 1. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet An anti-inflammatory diet is aimed at countering tissue inflammation that current research indicates may be the culprit in many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Such a diet Read More...
A new documentary investigates why the U.S. invaded Iraq Jay Walljasper | May 2006 Read More...
A sugar pill, a salt solution, a doctor in a white jacket--these all have the power to cure as long as the patient believes in their healing qualities. That seems impossible. So what does science say about the elusive placebo effect? And how can we use it to feel better? Marco Visscher | May 2006 Read More...
The great promise of this democratic tool depends on participation by all people Jay Walljasper | May 2006 issue “I have no interest in being anti-establishment,” proclaims Matt Stoller, a leading progressive blogger on at the popular U.S. web site “We’re going to be the Read More...
A remarkable discovery about life from the deathbed Tijn Touber | May 2006 issue I knew a man who discovered, as he lay dying, that he had only been on Earth for a few days. He was nearly 70 years old when he died, but according to him, he had only really been alive a few days. Those several days Read More...
Some scientists believe animals are capable of sympathy, shame and compassion Tijn Touber | May 2006 issue Morality is usually seen as the exclusive province of humans with highly developed brains. But world-famous primatologist Frans de Waal believes primates like chimpanzees and bonobos are moral Read More...
Ode to clouds | May 2006