Making and maintaining friends. | June 2003 issue 1. Aways be friendly to everyone; experiment excessively. 2. Surround yourself at home and at work with pictures and memories of friends. 3. Listen to friends' dreams and try and do everything you can to make them yours. 4. Always have the feeling Read More...
Without Africa's wealth and resources, the West would not have prospered. A conversation on the Western debt to Africa.Marco Visscher | March 2006 issue In the late 17th century when Dutch traders returned home from Africa and described their impressions of a region of Africa in what is now Read More...
A sense of fun is your best strategy for changing the worldJay Walljasper | March 2006 issue Sooner or later every idealist, activist and anyone else interested in changing the world comes face to face with a hard fact: Most people aren’t idealists and activists. There are only a few Gandhis and Read More...
Getting silly, a guide.| June 2003 issue 1. Laugh in public at least three times a day in every imaginable setting, especially wherever your inner voice says 'not here'. You are standing in line at the checkout counter and… 2. Practice being totally crazy with children. At least once a week go to Read More...
The rising stinginess of intellectual property rights has sparked a creative response: open source.Tijn Touber | March 2006 issue It is time to abolish copyright: It is a threat to human rights. So argues Joost Smiers in his book Arts Under Pressure: Promoting Cultural Diversity in the Age of Read More...
Laughing matters.Patch Adams | June 2003 issue The first time I saw him he was wearing a rubber nose, a multi-coloured print shirt, and a polka-dot tie over yellow balloon pants held up by suspenders. Beneath the rubber nose was an elaborate handlebar moustache; on the back of his head, a ponytail Read More...
On carbohydrates, fats and proteins.Andrew Weil | June 2003 issue Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the most fundamental nutrients. They consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The most simple carbohydrates are sugars: glucose and dextrose, fructose (sugar from fruit) and sucrose (table sugar, cane Read More...
The rising stinginess of intellectual property rights has sparked a creative response: open source. Tijn Touber | March 2006 issue Over the past decade we have seen a period of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity but also depressing levels of human need and extreme suffering. In the 21st Read More...
Five vitamine suggestions.Andrew Weil | June 2003 issue There is a lot of controversy about the amount and types of vitamins and minerals one needs to stay healthy. But there is no longer any question about the fact that we should take some type of supplement. The mismanagement of farmland and more Read More...
Chi Neng is a meditation in moving. Dr. Pang Ming | June 2003 issue To be healthy one must exercise regularly. Like the traditional Eastern yoga techniques, the Chinese Chi Neng is a very effective approach to getting exercise. Practiced by roughly100 million Chinese, Chi Neng is a type of moving Read More...