By selling mobile phones in Bangladesh, GrameenPhone has made an important contributoin to the fortues of poor villagers. Marco Visscher | April 2005 issue "The battle against poverty has gained a surprisingly effective ally: business. By treating the poor like clients and consumers, they are Read More...
Not fast, but certainly a lot of fun: a hot air balloon is the perfect way to travel from A to Wherever The Wind Takes You. Sam Jordison | September 2004 issue Modern life has taken all the mystery out of the skies. Flying on a airplane is the most boring thing you can do while still being Read More...
The efforts by Tachi Kiuchi and Bill ShiremanTijn Touber | November 2004 issue In 1994 the chairmen of Mitsubishi and Global Futures, Tachi Kiuchi and Bill Shireman, visited the rainforest in Borneo. Their aim: to research the economy of nature. They found the rain forest fascinating not only Read More...
Tijn Touber | July 2004 issue He arrived at a place where most people rarely go: the here and now. And Eckhart Tolle definitely plans to stay there. Because in the here and now there are no problems; they belong to the future or the past. Tijn Touber spoke with the man who is living proof of his Read More...
Food travels thousands of miles before ending up on our plate. While travelling, the taste doesn't get any better. This globalization of the food supply has serious consequences for the environment, our health, our communities and our tastebuds. A new movement is emerging to bring home the bacon, Read More...
In Ghana dreams are being immortalized. Philip Kwame Apagya photographs people living out their dreams. Plilip Kwame Apagya | July/Aug 2005 Read More...
How bright ideas from Swedish towns could inspire an ecological revolution | December 2004 Read More...
Marco Visscher | November 2005 issue 1. Food is one way chemicals get into our bodies. Residues of pesticides remain on the vegetables, fruit and other things we eat. Of the tens of thousands of pesticides that are used worldwide, only a few hundred have been tested for their effect on Read More...
Women who dared to celebrate a World Cup victory may eventually change the face of the Middle East Franklin Foer / How Soccer Explains the World | Jan/Feb 2005 issue When future historians discuss the political transformation of the Middle East, they may highlight the day Iranian women invaded Read More...
In war-ravaged Macedonia, conflict mediator Elena Gulmadova makes a career of building trust between Muslims and Christians. | September 2006 Read More...