Today’s Solutions: January 11, 2025


The masters fall silent

The masters fall silent

The current generation of healers is only an "instrument"Tijn Touber | November 2004 issue It’s not all that much fun anymore to interview gurus, coaches, therapists or masters. When you ask them what they actually do, they say: “Nothing, I’m only an instrument.” And if you then ask how Read More...

Letters and Love

Letters and Love

The power and promise of silence Tijn Touber | April 2005 issue What is it about words that we need so many of them to make things clear to each other? And even then, there is still so much room for misunderstanding? One of the problems is in the medium of language itself. In his book The Read More...

Fast Food Planet

Fast Food Planet

A new documentary raises questions about health effects of McDonald's food. | July 2004 Read More...

Ghosts that bedeviled our thin

Ghosts that bedeviled our thinking

A former archbishop looks for meaning in a life without God. A book review of Richard Holloway's "Looking in the Distance." Tijn Touber | May 2005 Read More...

India On-line

India On-line

Handheld computers get resources into the hands of needy villagers. | October 2004 Read More...

Local matters

Local matters

How Dooney's CafJay Walljasper | Jan/Feb 2005 issue From a distance it doesn’t look like a fair fight. On one side are multinational corporations, the World Trade Organization, large accumulations of capital, economics professors, management consultants, and what is generally considered the Read More...

One last thing…

One last thing...

"We should end the intensive human farming" Tijn Touber | November 2005 issue UH... DON’T YOU MEAN INTENSIVE FARMING OF LIVESTOCK? “Oh no. Have you ever seen how people in call centers are packed in together? Exactly— just like penned calves! The calves wear a sort of headset too, that Read More...

Desperately seeking solutions

Desperately seeking solutions

Why are Indian cotton farmers committing suicide? And what can be done to help them? Marco Visscher | July/Aug 2006 issue On January 10 of this year, Jamuna Ramdas Ade decided she’d had enough. The cotton farmer from the Indian state of Maharashtra was so deep in debt that she swallowed a Read More...

Fashionable development

Fashionable development

Supermodel Bibi Russel brings prosperity to villages in Bangladesh. Jay Walljasper | September 2004 issue Specialists in sustainable development knew that Bangladesh’s rich tradition of handwoven textiles offered a way out of poverty for some of the nation’s families. The only problem was that Read More...

Editor's letter: Pro auth

Editor's letter: Pro authenticity

Dressed in white Jurriaan Kamp| July/Aug 2006 issue Not long ago, we threw a surprise party on the occasion of our daughter Majlie's high-school graduation. All the guests were asked to wear white. Charged with this task, I dug to the back of my closet, where I did indeed find a pair of white Read More...