Iranian-born video artist Ghazel demolishes cultural clich Kim Ridley | July/Aug 2005 Read More...
"you can live to be 120 years old" Marco Visscher | Jan/Feb 2005 issue Why 120? “Every animal species has an age limit. Jeanne Calment died in 1997 at age 122. If one person can do it, so can others. Moreover, it has been proven in hundreds of simple studies that animals live at least 50 Read More...
The green movement is ready to come back home Jay Walljasper| July/Aug 2006 issue A new surge of environmental concern sweeps the world every 18 years, almost like a natural cycle. The whole idea of ecology took root in 1970 with the first Earth Day, which sparked a burst of successful projects to Read More...
The big obstacle in tracking the dangers of toxic substances Marco Visscher | November 2005 issue It’s not easy to gauge the overall impact of chemicals on your health – and that’s not only because of ethical objections to using human test subjects. The biggest obstacle is that it’s Read More...
"After the service my father would change from black into a T-shirt and shorts. This is when I began to feel the father side of my father emerge." A moving portrait of a man who served God and his family. David J. Spear | September 2004 Read More...
Gender differences greatly affect diagnosis and treatment Tijn Touber | April 2005 issue Medical researchers recently proved that men do in fact come from Mars and women from Venus. The U.S. firm GeneLogic makes “sample cards” from chromosomes, which display a variety of colours indicating Read More...
Bringing electricity to the Brazilian countryside can prevent out-of-control urbanization Bram Posthumus | March 2005 Read More...
Let your experiences make you happyTijn Touber | Jan/Feb 2006 issue The other day I was walking along the beach with a friend. The sun was setting and the water took on an orange hue as a fishing boat slowly glided by with a whole flock of seagulls in its wake. I breathed the cool sea air Read More...
Musings on life, death and the nature of reality Jan Morris | June 2005 issue This is what I dreamed. It was a short dream. I dreamed that Elizabeth said to me, casually over our coffee, “By the way, when you had the paper held up before your face before supper, was it because you were Read More...
Fewer and fewer corporations control an ever larger share of what we see in the media. Ted Turner warns that this is a dangerous development for the public, for democracy--even for capitalism itself. Ted Turner | May 2005 issue In the late 1960s, when Turner Communications was a business of Read More...