"Everyone should pay in mondos" Marco Visscher | December 2005 issue What’s a mondo? “It could be the name of a new global currency that everyone on this planet could use.” Why would we need one? “It makes any national economy more reliable, because there will be no more uncertainty Read More...
How upcoming economic shifts can benefit everyone Jay Walljasper | October 2005 issue The economic fate of nations through history has been decided on the basis of maritime power, industrial prowess or, more recently, technological capacity. But as we move into the 21st century it looks as Read More...
Iceland's Orri Vigf Andi McDaniel| July/Aug 2006
The spoken-word movement brings images, messages and actions back to the community. Najiba Abdellaoui | September 2005 issue The DJ calmly adjusts his knobs while music thunders from the speakers to a packed audience waiting for the show to begin. Welcome to an evening of poetry. Welcome to Read More...
The Maasai, a Nomadic African tribe, are being exploited by tourism, critics say. An honest photo essay on a disappearing civilization through rituals and traditions. | July 2004 Read More...
Kids living in a garbage dump broadcast messages of fun and hope with their own radio station Paul Schmelzer | November 2004 Read More...
Paulo Coelho: We all want someone by our side, to witness beauty, discuss life or even to share a sandwich with. Paulo Coelho | October 2004 Read More...
"We need to replace our work ethic with a play ethic" Jay Walljasper | July/Aug 2005 issue What’s so bad about work? 'The Puritan tradition of the 'work ethic,' which grants you certain moral kudos for allowing your employer to control your identity, has cruelly limited the human capacity for Read More...
Ecological living makes a hit in the mainstream media Marco Visscher | July/Aug 2006 Read More...
Parkour has a sense of community spirit that sets it apart from many other sports. "There's no competition at all; nobody makes fun of you because you can't do something," says one enthusiast. Jaclyn Law | September 2005 issue A young man named Ferret sprints toward a staircase railing in the Read More...