About 25 percent of shark species are currently endangered. Taking the fins from sharks for soup is a despicable trade, but thankfully educating consumers about the damaging practice is working, and quite well. Analysts have reported that the demand for shark fin soup has fallen about 25 percent in Read More...
In August 2013 Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, released a 50 plus page white paper that described an incredible high-speed train capable of attaining speeds upwards of 800 mph. Now just two years later there are already plans to see his vision come to life. Hyperloop Transportation Read More...
Our hands are intricate mazes of bones, tendons, and nerves. They’re so intricate in fact that severe nerve damage in the hand can render it all but useless. Now researchers have created a bionic hand that replaces a nerve damaged hand, and can be controlled with your thoughts. The bionic hand Read More...
Coffee shops and instant coffee factories in London alone send more than 200,000 tons of coffee waste to landfills every year. A UK startup is turning that problem into an opportunity. Bio-Bean is taking the spent grounds and using them to make energy. Bio-Bean collects the coffee waste from Read More...
Back in 2007 conservationists counted how many Amur leopards—a species traditionally found in China and Russia—were left in the wild, they found 30. Extinction seemed imminent, but a recent re-counting of the Amur leopard population found that the species is bouncing back. Researchers counted Read More...
From hobbyists, to providing goods for consumers in remote areas, the applications of 3-D printing are endless. The only problem: All 3-D printed products are made using petroleum based plastics, and lots of it. 3-D printing has eaten up 30 million pounds of plastic so far, which will translate to Read More...
Back in 1995 nuclear energy was big in the UK—providing a quarter of the kingdom’s energy. Now, thankfully, that’s changing. In 2013 green energy provided almost 15 percent of the UK’s energy, while nuclear accounted for around 19 percent. With last week’s announcement of plans to build Read More...
Recently Apple announced plans to build a giant solar farm that will offset all emissions caused by their California operations. Apple has also announced plans to build two giant data centers in Ireland and Denmark that will be powered by renewable sources and create hundreds of new jobs. Apple Read More...
Current systems that make drinking water from wastewater devote most of their energy to oxygenating the refuse water. Now researchers have created a new system that uses almost 30 percent less energy, produces 10 percent more water, and puts out biogas as a byproduct. The system achieves such Read More...
Palm oil is in more than half of the products found in your grocery store and has been the driving force behind countless acres of clear-cut rainforests. The reason palm oil is so sought after is because of two properties: Its extremely high melting point, and its equally high saturation levels. Read More...